Pap 58 birthday, but he is sick, can’t walk much, Rose & Bert went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she brought roast along for dinner, boy had a real dinner. Herman Kettler & son of Paderborn came & invited us to his barn dance tonite, a new one just been build & Elmer Parker & Omar Schilling are giving a free dance at Paulter tonite, musci [sic] by Scheonborn, Schaefer & Schilling & Boy the crowd. They have a play in the school hall here, “Home Town Girl” was the name of it; we didn’t get to see it; same boys were in it.
Sunday, March 8, 1936
Went to church, at Red Bud, Fr. Aydt had the masses again, Fr. Stern is getting along fairly well. Berti went out to today; Henry & family were up had dinner & supper, Fr. Aydt came & gave us a visit, last nite him & Fr. Simon were here awhile; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Berti went to the closing of the mission service, church was pretty well filled, several priests present, renewed the vows, etc. Rained a little. Pierre Laut got ½lb. butter. Clem Parker’s have a baby girl born last Thurs; christened Elizabeth Louise, Betty, Mr. & Mrs. Geo Parker, sponsors. Henry went to see E. Parkers about chix [? – unclear].
Friday, March 6, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up early; also came last nite, Rose went to church with her; Uncle & pap went out to Uncle Adam’s, he fell again today; while Aunt Mary was there, he carried a rocker out in the kitchen, & then was going for his rocker, & fell on the floor. Emil was at Joe Gregsons. Uncle Fred & pap helped Emil get him to bed that evening, Levi & Clara came here after church, to see how he was, but Emil had called for them to come, so they & Joe’s all went out yet, he couldn’t stand it in bed; pap stopped in this morn. went he went out to the woods, going to get the doctor, he thinks it is fractured hip, Josie was out all nite. Pinkel agent for Nobbe chev. Co. was here wanted to see pap trade cars. Ed. Parker & Fr. Simon came also to see pap, & he wasn’t home. A year ago today Margaret McDermott died. Mr. Ed Weber & Gus Stehfest have new cars the paper says. Rose & Aunt Mary went to church.
Sunday, March 1, 1936
Pap & Rose went to mass. Fr. Aydt had it, Stern is sick in Red Bud hospital. Beautiful day. Ed. Parker was here.
Sunday, Feb. 16, 1936
Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then went home, came back again this eve. for the play in the school hall, we went up to name of the play “Regiment of 2,” Lawrence Kaiser, Chas Schilling, Al Coop, Paul & Lorraine Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Bessie Parker, & Agnes, & Edith & Dorthy Klinkhardt; was good & hall was packed. Schmidts Orch. played between acts; also tap Dancing. S. Rennecker got milk. Ben Schilling was here this evening.
Friday, Jan. 3, 1936
Pap & Rob went up split wood, near the woods. Rob. got the mail. William Smith of St. Louis, & Berniece [sic] Mehrmann of Waterloo marriage license were in the paper, but Clem Parker’s wasn’t in. Henry called this morning said Leona was sleeping when he left, she is still in Waterloo yet.
Wednesday, January 1, 1936
Went to Red Bud in the Whip. to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family were here for dinner, Uncle & Aunt were here for supper; we played cards. Leona was sick, so they went home early. Aunt Mary said Clem Parker & Carol Papenberg were married 2nd Christmas Day Dec 26. in the evening.
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1935
Canned 2 qts. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s helped put up hay; made 17 loads, stacked; Emil & Clem Parker helped; they had lunches & dinner there. Bert got flower slips from Mrs. Rennecker & Mamie; planted them out. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening & got some from ours. George Lorberg’s have a baby girl born last week; getting along nicely. 3 girl 1 boy. Frank Kroll moved his furniture & family from Al. Monike’s place to upstairs in Manier’s place, couldn’t agree together. Dr. Isselhardt was in Hecker at his office in Kammler’s building, opened up again Wed. from 1 till 4 o clock, every week; Rev. Hosto hit a 80 yr. old man at Mascoutah & killed him, he was only driving 20 mi hr. the policeman saw it also, the man ran in front of his car.
Friday, Aug. 9, 1935
Mr. Jim Parker is being buried this morning but none of us can go, we have to go to Henry’s threshing, oats; the grandsons were pallbearers; 3 of Geo Parker’s, & Paul & Clyde Pautler & Hy. Birkner; the daughter, Sister Amada was also home; came Thurs.; it was an awful large funeral. Henry had threshers for dinner & lunch, & supper; moved here about 4 o’clock. Klotz & Watchel machine threshed this & Geo. Schilling moved onto Blackburn’s. Henry threshed altogether 1108 bus; 394 bus. here & 714 out there, highest oats threshed so far; we got for our share 369 bus. Pabsts bought oats 47 bus.
Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1935
Baked bread, had chicken dressing. Papa took lawn mower to Fritsche to get it repaired. Evansville church, & Tipton church have pinics [sic] today; & chicken suppers. Loyd Pabst came got sacks, threshing oats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville came back here for dinner had chicken. Sure is hot this afternoon & day. Mrs. Emma Altis of St. Louis Mo. died, be buried tomorrow afternoon, she was a Freese, Uncle Fred niece; & Mr. Jim Parker 85 died last nite at 5:30; be buried Fri. morning at Hecker Church & cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to the wake, he looks natural. Koch undertaker, he would be 86 in Sept. Aunt Mary brought plums.
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