Still hot. 90. Stookey says at St. Louis; cloudy but so far hasn’t rain, radio says rain, & cooler today. Mrs. Randolph Parrot is being buried at Red Bud this morning at 9’o clock; Omer’s aunt. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, they were going to thresher, but it started raining at 9:30, & Levi Ganley didn’t get finished. Boy! It sure was a nice rain. We had a few chicks soaked, made fire & brought them by the stove, & they were soon alright again, 1 dead.
Sunday, June 28, 1936
Went to early mass. Mrs. Alice Parrot died this morn. will be buried Tues. morn. at Red Bud, nee Murphy. Floyd Pabst has a free birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Webers, all free tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch., a free dance at Paderborn. We went to Donahue’s first then to Hecker, good crowd both places. We went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s had dinner & supper there, they came up here this evening went to Pabsts dance. Awful hot.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper. Omer Schilling was here this afternoon; We went to Pautler’s to a free double birthday dance tonite, big crowd. Rythmn [sic] Kings playing; Also was a free dance at Donahue’s but wasn’t very much; Dreamland had to close up to. Mr. Ed Frisch & Parrot was here looked at our horse.
Monday, Feb. 5, 1934
We washed, nice day, papa went out in woods. Wrote Wm. Ganley a nice letter this morn. Pap & Rose went to the woods. A man around selling soap chips & face soap. Mr. Hill was here for news. Lucinda Eichenseer was around selling chances for quilt, have one already. Eggs are 15¢ today, top hogs $4.50. Mr. George Parrot, died Sun. buried Wed. morn, at Red Bud church & cemetery, Mrs. Joe Mauer’s father, he was 67.
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