Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room took of [off] screens. Mr. Watson timber man living on Emil’s place, here on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. We went out to Leona’s birthday 28 yrs. old; those present were Mr. Gus Geodelle & family & Dan Geodelle & family, Kate Friedrich, Mr Cleveland & Mrs. Walter & Hilda Reheis & Armie. Adolph Klube & family, New Athens, house full; people all night, had 1/8 beer, cake, drinks, musci [sic] etc.
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1935
Rose baked oatmeal cookies, ironed & patched today. Arlene Klotz’s birthday, lot of Hecker people went down, children’s party.
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1935
Rose is 24 yrs old; Henry & family came, rest went home, kids went to school & Henry is plowing; had lunch & dinner & supper. Papa is hauling coal 3 loads this morning; & 1 this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, had supper here then went to the apple peeling at Hy. Birkner’s. Leona & kids came this evening, stayed awhile, had cake & wine. We received a book of 5 chances to win a V. 8 Ford at Dupo on the 14; church pinic [sic].
Sunday, June 16, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Rain all morning. Anton Jaeger of Waterloo, mail carriers dad died at the Hospital, was operated for a growth on the bowels, & was pretty bad. We went to Ruma to see Simpson. Renneckers came over this evening. Wagners are having double birthday celebration, Chas. & Melvin, both this week, all relation were there, about 55 people in all, some houseful; for supper. Rain again this afternoon & evening.
Monday, Dec. 31, 1934
Baked bread, & pie. Went to Belleville, sold roosters & 13¢ eggs. 30¢. Cloudy again today. We got set dishes 8 piece each, $2.60 set. Mrs. Hy. Henze died last night; will be buried Wed. at Round Prairie cemetery. There is a New Year’s Eve party, at Pautler’s tonite, Musci [sic] by Moonlighters, from 9 till 3 o’clock. There surely was a noise, in town here this eve. at 12 o clock, ringing of bells, shooting etc.
Saturday, July 28, 1934
Papa went to Rall’s sale by Red Bud this afternoon – everything brought a good price. People here selling vanilla extract. We planted beans & pickles yesterday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens Homecoming this afternoon. We went out to Birkner’s, then to Hy. Ronnenberg’s farewell party, half barrel beer was the refreshments; the men chipped together & Hillheims got the beer from Hecker; danced in the barn, musci [sic] by I. Helfrich Sheonborn; not a very large crowd.
Thursday, May 24, 1934
Looks like rain. Henry’s birthday 30 yrs. old. & 6 Wedding Anniv. We went out, took tomatoe [sic] plants along, Cleveland’s, Gus & Dan Geodell’s families were present, cake was served. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, planted 104 sweet potatoe [sic] plants, from Boll. The Catholic School children are having there play & program tonite. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 11¢. It Rained a little this morn.
Tuesday, March 13, 1934
We all went up in woods all day. Robert Laut ordered his hog to butcher on Thurs. We went out to Floyd’s birthday, 5 yrs. old. Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred where the only ones there. Geodell’s was out night before. Henry & Leona went to East St. Louis, got xray taken of her arm.
Saturday, Dec. 31, 1932
Josie Keller came here this morning a little bit & called Heyls, then she went on down she was invited there for tonite New Years Eve party & it is Ben’s birthday, she intends to stay till about Wednesday. Papa got crushing done this morn. Geo. Schilling says Ben’s in bed this morn. & so is Levi Ganley. There is a sign put in front of the bank door again this morn, made of cedar, a wreath, & on a board, remind that another year past bank closed, just 2 years. Mr. Wm. Reagean & son where here on business. Mrs. Geodelle called up for Rosalia to come out there at Henry’s now, because she wants to go home with milk driver this morrow morning. Henry & Floyd where up but not outside yet today. There was a little shooting go on here in town awhile, shooting the old year out & the new in.
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