Bertille is 18 yrs. old today. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary Henry’s family, Christ Buehler’s family where all here this eve, playing cards, music & singing, cake & beer where the refreshments.
Thursday, Aug. 25, 1932
We finished digging our potatoes this morn, 6 rows. Bertille went up town this evening & got the mail. Frank Schwinde is having a birthday party in the school hall tonite. Mrs. Martin Fritsche got the job of cleaning the Hecker School for $3.90. Reagean’s had a bid in for $4.00 & Lauts $6.00.
Saturday, July 2, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this morn. & coming back tonite. Papa is plowing. Today was a few sisters celebrating fifieth [sic] jubilee, Mr. Eichenseer’s sister was one they went down to Ruma. It turned awful cold last night & rather cool today. Tomorrow is birthday anniversary of Willard Gambach, today & Hy. Armstutz. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile then went to Hy’s Birthday.
Monday, June 27, 1932
Today is Steve’s birthday. Karl Boll married a yr. & Gambach’s buried 2 yrs. It rained nearly all day. Papa went up town awhile this morning; got his check for $6.50 & sent the insurance for the Whippet $9.66. The bank paid out 10% again, so far it is 25% paid out. We all & George Wagner’s family went over to Rennecker’s. Steve was 68 yrs. old; cake, & beer where served. J Brown was here.
Saturday, June 25, 1932
Papa went out on a business trip. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the weekend. This evening they went to Armstutz’s, Mrs. birthday. There is a birthday Yvone & at Rapp’s, a surprise party, we were not invited but Uncle Fred was.
Wednesday, June 22, 1932
We went to Belleville this afternoon to Miss Zimmlich sale, adminstrator [sic] sale, & everything cheap, we bought $2.50 worth stuff, 2 rockers, 3 chairs etc. & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought lots goods, chairs, tables etc. They came up this evening & brought some of ours along up, then we all went out to Chris Buehler’s Iren’s birthday 10 yrs. popcorn, beer & cake where served, Henry & Frank, Birkner family, & Papenbergs & us folks.
Tuesday, May 24, 1932
Today is birthday Henry’s 28 yrs. old & also the 4th wedding anniversary. We went out this evening, ice cream, cake where served to the following: Mr. Gus Geodelle & family, Henry Birkner’s family, Albert Cleveland’s family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. George Wagner got a fork here this morn. to straw potatoes at Chas. Wagner’s.
Sunday, May 22, 1932
We went to Red Bud. Levi Gregson came here a little while, the rest where at church. George Wagner’s family prepared dinner, chicken, etc. & took it all down to Chas. Wagner, 25 Silver Wedding Ann. the whole relation, when it was supposed to be a surprized [sic], but I don’t think it was, they found it out. Three fellows from St. Joe where here & looked at the colts. We all went over to Stere’s & sat on his porch, the sun got too hot on ours. This eve, we went out to Uncle Fred’s, Chris Buehler’s family also came, we at popcorn, beer, & water.
Tuesday, May 3, 1932
Papa birthday 54. Also Mamie Mueth 18. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning brought 2 piegons [sic- pigeons], & we made a chicken yet all soup for dinner. The boys where here all afternoon for supper, while the rest went to the funeral. Henry & Leona came back this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Bertille, went out to Frank Birkner;s, she got 1 lb. butter from her 18¢, then we came back to Hecker again, had ½ gal. ice cream & cake, beer. Tonite is a play & dance at Paderborn. Mrs. Louise Birkner was over to see Aunt Mary this afternoon, & also Janita Ronenberg, she is by Robert Lauts here.
Sunday, May 1, 1932
There where 4 girls & 7 boys made their Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion] at Red Bud this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. They went out to Buehler’s this afternoon, Linus Birthday. Robert Launts had a farewell party this evening. We weren’t invited to come. Henry & Leona & Geodell’s family came up this evening, the boys stayed here & rest went over to New Athens to Val. Klube’s, his wife died this morn. but they didn’t get to see her anyway, she was at the unterdating [sic- undertaking] parlor yet. The funeral is Tuesday, Henry is pallbearer. Harry Kammler’s has a dance tonite. Peter Bros. outfit playing
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