Went to Waterloo to see Clara Mueth, stayed in awhile; stopped at Henry’s. Leo & family cam this eve. & Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Wedding dance at Pautlers. Helfrich girl & boy from Columbia Eckert; pretty nice crowd.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1938
Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938
Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1938
Washed, cooked catsup & preserves. Fr. Spors stopped in on his way to Onley [sic – Olney] to a pinic [sic] left our chance books, he had Seiferts along Mr. brother a priest is stationed at Olney Ill. The hottest day this yr. had little rain. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped fix stands for pinic [sic]. Waterloo band plays on WTMV. at 8:05 tonite. Roy Pautler 27 died Mon. morn at St. Mary’s hospital in E. St. Louis, from head infection & sore leg that he had.
Saturday, July 16, 1938
Another hot day. Wittenauer threshed oats here today. 98 bus. we got 32. our share. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. Leo & family came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud, they went to church, to see Doc. Pautler. Rose [Rosalia] brought 2 buckets pickles along. A. [Aunt] Mary.
Sunday, May 8, 1938
Mother’s Day. We went to Paderborn mass, then to Leo’s, doctor Eckert was there, since 6 last nite; at 11:30 took her [Rosalia] in an ambulance Dashner’s, to Red Bud hospital were Doc. Pautler brought a baby girl, 8 lbs. & 6 oz. nice big girl, bright, dark eyes, dark hair. Leo & Leona & pap went along down. Henry & boy’s came here had dinner, we went down this afternoon. Leo stayed all nite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn May devotion at church. It is also Josie Gregson’s birthday today. KMOX Radio Stars having a dance here at Kammlers tonite.
Sunday, April 24, 1938
Went to Smithton to 7 o’clock mass; to see Ed. Heap; went to Leo’s & Rose [Rosalia] from there, had dinner there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came there this afternoon, & Henry & family at night. We went to Con. Myerscough at Ruma, this afternoon; stopped in at Bill Vogts. Hecker baseball club have a dance at Pautler tonite; musci [sic] by Keims Trio. Ben Schilling is in with them. had pretty fair crowd cleared $40.00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. & Geo. Wagner awhile. Tony Helfrich wrecked his car last nite by Floraville, nearly got in the pond; smashed up.
Saturday, Feb. 19, 1938
Raining all morn. getting colder. Henry stoped [sic] in got crushing done. Bert [Bertille] baked 3 cream pies. this morning. Bus company employees of Waterloo haveing [sic] free dance tonite at Pautler’s, musci [sic] by Leroy’s Swing Band. Elmer Kabureck won the attendance prize, case beer at Floraville Masquerade Ball.
Monday, Jan. 10, 1938
Cloudy all day, we went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner, finished up about 2 o clock brought load oats along. Went out again for supper; Geoddels also came out, we made gal. ice cream we took the ice & bannanas [sic] along out, played musci [sic]. Ray brought his guitar along. He said Pautlers had big crowd, Neff & Probst’s birthday dance, couple fights he said. Rhenhardts quite [sic – quit] playing musci [sic] now, Ray joined Keim’s Och. now, played first time with them Sat. nite; at Dreamland Palace; have several jobs.
Saturday, Oct. 9, 1937
Henry was here, got crushing done. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to Muskoph sale by Floraville & Milsdaldt [sic]. Rained a little last nite. Most people starting sew wheat today. Uncle Fred & A. Mary had supper here, went along with us to Pautler’s tonite, Standard Oil Co. is giving a free show “Stan” & free dance upstairs, musci [sic] by Radan Och. sure crowd the show was in the pavilion. Wienhoff & Schmidt have built a new garage & opened today, if you buy 5 gals. gas, get qt. oil free, today only.
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