Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938

Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.

Sunday, July 7, 1935

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner, lunch & supper. Rose & Berti went with them to Waterloo this afternoon, to the band concert of 250 muscians [sic], & crowd, they spelled Waterloo in letters, & then played Star’s “Bangled Banner.” We stopped at Henry’s on our way home, & Walter & Hilda were there & pap & Riechmann & Bornppole of Okawville brought the mare & colt out; This evening we all went to Waterloo to Pautler’s pavillion to a free dance. Carle & Schumacher playing & was pretty good. Aggie Doyle youngest daughter of Martin’s was married to Lyle Ratz of Red Bud several weeks ago published once at Tipton; & Tolin & Rahn were married since June 8 they say. Red Bud congregation going to give ice cream social on Aug. 6.

Saturday, June 22, 1935

Crushing this morning for the last time, till futher [sic] notice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary brought us some cherries, then went to Belleville. Ivo Buehler is getting along nicely, will come home by next week Wed; if everything is alright by then. Papa got hair cut. This afternoon went out to Henry’s, going to start cutting wheat if it ain’t to wet, so he didn’t get stuck with the binder, & tractors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to Pautler’s Pavillion, Boy! what a nice crowd; free dance; Cowboy’s playing.

Saturday, July 14, 1934

Cool wind this morn. Sheutte by Waterloo died, the man, that Mrs. Sheutte insane, put poison in there food. A free dance at Donahue’s musci [sic] by Nite Hawks & a free wedding dance in Pautlers Hall, musci [sic] by Moonlighters tonite. This morning about 10:30 Irvin Buehler, 7 yr old son of Chris Buehler, was struck unconsious [sic], while playing with tires on the hard road, in front of Parker’s house, they were all there helping with threshing, the driver of the car, was Frank Schwartz of R.R.1 Belleville. Irvin was brought to Hecker to Dr. Eckert & then the ambulance was called & taken to Belleville hospital, where he is still the same, fractured head & back & wrenched leg. The car nearly hit Cletus to. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to Hyde sale in Red Bud, who lives in John Rennecker’s house, bought a few articles. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, left kids here, bought new shoes & dress. this evening took us along, kids stayed here, went to Pautler Pavillion, Kopp’s Wedding dance; pretty large crowd. Donahue’s was nothing some said. Boy! did Walter Reheis feel good!