Monday, Aug. 9, 1937

Hugo Radau Orch. of Waterloo played for dance pinic [sic], pretty good musci [sic], yesterday. So hot this morn. Canned 2 qts. tomatoes & pickles, cooking catsup again. Painter is here again. We went to Friedrich at Tipton, looked at his mule, [illegible] he paid his note, from buying the mare last spring. Then we went to Waterloo, paid paint bill at Hamachers  & toilet lumber for Henry at Grasses; stopped at Henrys took them some peaches, she has about 150 bottles catsup cooked; also stopped at Emil’s awhile. Went to Leo’s & Rose tonite, took peaches along, canned 2 qts; took plow share along for him; had supper there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, cutting lawn. Eggs 17¢ hog $13.50.

Friday, Aug. 30, 1935

We cleaned chicken house; canned peaches got 93 qts. Made perserves [sic]. Henry & family came got pk. basket peaches to cook as perserves [sic]. Elmer Weihl has a baby girl born at E. St. Louis on Aug. 23, – 2 weeks later than Rochies [? – unclear], make 2 grandaughters [sic] of Louis Weihl. It was in the paper that Al. Eckert 15 of Hecker was arrested for speeding last Sun. night at Belleville.

Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1935

We washed cloudy day no sunshine, Mertz got 2 coops chickens, young & old we shipped to St. Louis 33 young & 15 old. Gus Klotz & Aeron Papbenberg went to Centralia yesterday & got peaches. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped to fix stands up for the pinic [sic] tomorrow. We went out to Henry’s this evening, put up hair.

Thursday, Aug. 22, 1935

Went out to Henry’s peel peaches, got 10 bus for $1.50 at Centralia, canned 60 qts. made peach butter & preserves, had lunch & dinner. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped.

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1935

Canning peaches. Papa went up in the woods; this morn, & afternoon; counted trees what they cut down. Henry & Mr & Mrs Cleveland went to Centralia after peaches today; left 5:30 this morning. The motor cop examined the track what Wittenauer made, & said they should measure it, so pap did & it was 100 ft. were the colt was throwed. Tonite is Coummity [sic] Pinic [sic] in Red Bud Band concert & drawing of tickets, boxing wrestling matches, & dance in City Hall beginning at 10’o clock; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Red Bud, to the drawing. Mrs. Leonard Hoef won $7.50 in trade; in 10¢ ticket, Rosalia won a box paint & polish & radiator cleaner for Machines; in 10¢ ticket & Rita Pour & Mrs. Wm. Keonistien were among the winners from Hecker, also Noell Roscow; between drawings was tap dancing by A. Buchreon’s kids & singing by Box Chorus, with Dr. Schmidts wife Director, & 3 boys sang “Home on the Range,” “Isle of Carie” & “Old MacDonalds Farm,” Shade of the Old Apple Tree. Drawing of $1.00 tickets, Henry Steibel winning the $15.00 in trade, had all nice prizes, & large crowd present.

Tuesday, July 23, 1935

We peeled peaches & canned 4 qts this morning. It rained again nearly all day. A fellow from Belleville was here, wanted to sell limestone, for Columbia & Valmeyer quarries. Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday. The timber guy from St. Louis, came brought the check for the piling they cut Fri. & Sat. 868 ft. @3½¢. $30.38; it is the Manassa Timber Company. Clara Wagner & kids came over this evening awhile.

Friday, Aug. 24, 1934

Papa & Rose put roofing on the barn, nice cool this morn. Pierre Laut is sick, tonsil’s, has 104 fever. A man here wanted to see Uncle Fred, wanted a drill; but it is already sold. Peaches at Waterloo are selling at $1.65 -75 a bu. by Al. Heyl’s; all $2. & 35 around here. Mr. James Crowe son of the late police men[,] James Crowe, was married Tues. morning to Miss Flora Wielbacher of Columbia, & at that parish, he was formerly of Waterloo, but now of Columbia were he is employed as mechanic there in garage. The New Athens & Hecker hard road route, 156 is now opened. Miss Mildred Rist 15 yr. old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joh Rist was operated for appendix; last Friday in Red Bud Hospital. Miss Elva Knapp, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Knapp was honored with a shower, given by & Misses Edna & Lavina Geodelle, she will become the bride to Mr. Harold Kloft of East St. Louis, the marriage to take place early in Sept. Last Mon. morning Bill Donahue of Midway Inn on Route 3, was awakened by a barking dog, on investigating found that his 25 half grown turkeys had disappeared, from there roosting place, he found 19 doped [sic – dropped] in a cornfield nearby.

Saturday, Aug. 11, 1934

Cooler this morning very likely it rained some place. Miss Josie Keller came out from St. Louis, got 16. chicks .15¢, & eggs at 16¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, all had chicken dinner here, they went back again. Josie is going on a boat trip Mon. People around selling peaches $1.75 bus. we didn’t buy any. We went to Donahue’s free dance, musci [sic] by Southern Club Entainers [sic], Irene Reheis.

Monday, Sept. 11, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary rode along down to Brauns with us, John Schilling read a german prayer at the house before they left, the pallbearers were 6 cousins, Norbert & Morris Braun, Leo & Willie Braun, Paul Wittenauer, Kenneth Neff; large funeral. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, was here for supper, brought peaches along, we got our cans all filled now. Eggs are 16¢ now in the stores here.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1933

Rosalia sewed Robert shirt. Papa went to Armstutz’s to see about peaches, but Hy. wasn’t home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for lunch. It is awful warm again today; it rained a little this morn. Mr. Jung got some old hens here 8¢, eggs 10½¢. Bertille went to Hecker.