Monday, April 30, 1934

We washed, ironed. Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he helped papa with the shed, had lunch, & supper. They had lots company yesterday, Buehler’s family, Frank Birkner’s family, Uncle Adam & Emil. Mr. Hill was here, also Joe Johns, peddler, Frederick Fritsche, Maryanna, wanted setting eggs; we have none. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz got mixing box. The fire men pumped Uncle Fritz’s [aka Uncle Fred – ed.] cistern dry, put it in the tank. Papa went over awhile to help them, some mess.

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1932

It is cloudy & rainy this morn. Jung got 14 doz. eggs 18¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. Some guys around buying up eggs, but the peddlar [sic] was just here.