Uncle Fred stoped [sic] in, he went to Red Bud to bank. Nice this morn, little cloudy. Pap went to see Fr. Aydt; about renting pew here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this eve; came back pap went along, went to Henry’s. Leo & family were also out there; sure bad weather, snowing heavy; again tonite, not very nice driving on highway.
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1939
Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.
Saturday, Dec. 10, 1938
Pap went to Hoef’s bought 7 pigs $40. weigh 55 to 34. Went to Red Bud. Schriebers put a new heater in, other one leaked. Bert [Bertille] went to Fr. Spors paid $12.00 pew rent. Went to Leos tonite, awhile, played cards. Marita’s colds pretty good.
Thursday, Dec. 16, 1937
Raining again all day; some weather. Pap went to see Fr. Spor’s at Red Bud paid $8. pew rent. Went to Hecker, got 50 lbs. flour. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs .28 [cents]. It sure is foggy, it’s so thick, can’t see very far at all, last nite same way.
Friday, March 26, 1937
Went to services at 8 o clock Red Bud & again at 2 this afternoon; Pretty cold; was 18 last nite. Pap paid Fr. Stern pew rent, flood donation & bake sale donation tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came. Bert went along to church with her. Fr. Ratteoman finished it of. Fr. Orlet was there also another priest.
Thursday, Jan. 23, 1936
In St. Louis it was 11 degrees below zero, this morning, pretty cold; but some places it is 66 & 55 below, tonight it is to be zero here, getting warmer, snow this morn, now sunshine. Papa went to Red Bud to see butcher & paid pew rent; Went to Mertz, wants to ship our calf. Hartmann of below Red Bed was here, looked at the horse. Mrs. A. Eckert & Roland Birkner’s birthday anniversary; this is the coldest weather ever been here, they claim; anyway when you ain’t use to it; have to making fire all the time. Calf 13¢.
Wednesday, May 1, 1935
Schools Public are out today, with pinics [sic]. Papa went on a trip, Red Bud, Waterloo, paid pew rent $10.00, & gave Father the quilt that we made, to donate to the church, Goose Track. Mrs. Donahue was buried this morning Tiptown & Kirsh this afternoon at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up; We went to church. May Devotion tonite; Paderborn Church is giving a euchre this evening. Boy! did it rain, about 1:30, thunder, terrible wind storm, blew some more shingles of the roof; also Fred Eichenseers little house. We cut lawn trimmed everything this morning. Patched this afternoon.
Thursday, April 28, 1932
We cooked another kettle of soap this morning. Papa went to Red Bud to Miss Bel & paid $6.00 pew rent, then he drove out through the blackjack home. Two fellows where here looking at our colt this evening. We all went up to Eichenseer’s, went to see Mamie. They are painting the wash house.
Sunday, Jan. 3, 1932
We went to Red Bud church this morn. Christ Buehler’s family were all at Red Bud church too they are finished in Hecker, Fr. Grootens told him either pay pew rent or take his children out of school, so tomorrow he will sent his kids to Red Bud school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, this afternoon we went out there had supper, Uncle Adam & Emil where also there, played pinochle. Ed Meng was here this morn, to see Uncle Fred. Tonight Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker & George Wagner’s family where here played cards. Steve held 1000 Aces & George had 300 pinochle & 150 trumps. & In the same game Rosalia had 1500 trump. The St. Mary’s players are giving a play in the School Hall tonight Adm. 35.
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1931
Papa went to Waterloo this morning. He brought a 1 doz. fruit jars along, so far we bought 2 dozens. This afternoon he hauled 2 loads of coal. Leona & kids came up after the oil this afternoon. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening, but she was at Oscar Birkner’s, peeling apples for apple butter tomorrow. Papa went up to Griffins this morning & paid our pew rent $27.00 to Joe, he can give it to the priest. Clarence Wagner started school in Hecker today again, he got homesick at Red Bud, he went there a 1 week, & this week they had to bring him back up here again, he wouldn’t eat no more down there.
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