Uncle Fred birthday; 63 yrs. today. They came up butchered 139 lb. hog @ $8.40; finished at 1 ‘oclock, sausage out of kettle & everything done. Harry Wittenauer stopped in. The Farm Bureau have meeting & show tonite & school hall. Smithton have euchre. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. & Bert [Bertille] went along to picture show in school hall, big crowd, showed pictures of 4h. club; from all over the county. Miss Werner of Hecker, leader of Busy Bee Club, has the most in county. Buddy Braun was here selling chances on box candy.
Thursday, Feb. 7, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & went home again while it was froze. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Rosalia went to see Mrs. Rennecker; to get quilt pattern of “Goose Trot.” Mike Keoinstein is in Belleville Hospital. There is a free picture show at Pautler Hall, in Waterloo given by Grosse. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gregson & family where here this evening, we payed 5 pinochle, the boys went to sleep. It is raining out. Eggs are 30¢ now.
Sunday, Oct. 19, 1930
We had our first snow this morning for this year. Today is shooting matches all over, George Boll’s, Martin Doyl’s, Mike McCarthy’s. There is also a picnic in Smithton fish fry and dance tonight. Henry and family were all here for dinner today. We had roast beef. Tonight Rosalia & Bertille went to the picture show in the new school hall, the name of the show was “Noah’s Ark” in 10 reels. There was a good crowd there. Admission was 10 and 25¢.
Sunday, Sept. 21, 1930
We all went to early mass this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Floraville to the church picnic. Mr. Carr was here from Renault, he asked the way to Bill Geodelle, to buy a team of horses. Tonight we all went to the picture show the name of it was Rin Tin Tin. Admission .25 and .10¢. At Recess Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left for the dance down at Weber’s barn. It was a surprise party for Mrs. Weber. Today is Jake Reheis birthday. After the show this evening they raffled out the cards from the picnic. The lucky winners were, Hy. Schneider from Waterloo, John Braun 2 times, Louisa Braun, Peter Kaiser, Joe Kaiser, Oscar Schmidt from Valmeyer, Fred W. Birkner he got a pair of pillow cases. Hecker played ball with St. Louis and won 20 to 4.
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