Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1937

Washed, ironed, scrubbed basement. Pap went out all day on business trip. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he went to Public School had auction sale – toilets etc.; he bought the 2 for $3.55 cheap. they have new ones in down there now; sold the old one; 8 oclock sale. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came was going to go to A. [Aunt] Mary’s, but they were here, so we played 5 hand pinochle. Kettler won county commissioner. Weigand went down salt lake, he won in the precincts around here, but no where else. Olive Laut came, got ½ bu. turnips.

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1937

Raining this morn. again a little, getting colder. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. brought us apples & Mail Order; paps shoes everything allright, shoes a little big. The Ladies Aid have euchre at Kammler’s Hall tonite, we didn’t go; we played pinochle, 3 games.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 1937

Beautiful weather, cut lawn yesterday. Pap hauling wood with truck. Berti [Bertille] cleaned front room, varnished floor. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this afternoon. We took them along to Waterloo, euchre tonite; at Memorial Hall, had big crowd; played 8 games & 10 points at head table. Pap won 7 got ovenware casserole, & Bert had 6, got water bucket. U. [Uncle] Fred 6 – got tablespoons. A. [Aunt] Mary only had 4, her name didn’t come out, only 4 prizes left for 4; played pinochle – 500. Domioes [sic] & euchre all 8 games blanket attendance prize; were mostly all strange to us. Mehrmann got 5 doz. eggs. 21¢. Band pratice [sic] at Geodelle’s tonite.

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1937

Washed, ironed, canned peaches. A man here collecting for poor people. Mr. James Tobin & Leona Vogt getting married this morn. at Red Bud 8:30 high mass; dance at Oak Grove tonite, only daughter of Bill Vogt. South of Red Bud. Catholics here have card & lawn party tonite at School grounds. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to social, didn’t win nothing; Uncle had 7 got dresser scarf; played 12 games & couple games of each bingo, had cake walk, 15 cakes @ $1.25. Uncle Fred had to play accordion for cake walk; not much of crowd about 8 tables euchre, 1 pinochle, 1 solo. Mrs. Emmet Cowell while on her way to attend the wedding Mass this morn. was struck by auto. Leifer of south Red Bud, she also had with her a girl, who was also hit, had few teeth knocked out, & Mrs. has leg broken, side all bruised, were car had drug her about 30 ft. they say; is in Red Bud hospital, hurt pretty bad.

Wednesday, April 28, 1937

Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, Eggs 16¢. Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis] were up, Henry went to dentist Dr. Lark, here in town. The Young People Ladies Sodality are giving a pinochle & euchre party tonite, in school hall. Bert went had 7 points, didn’t win nothing Ray Wittenauer won pillow cases attendance prize; crowd wasn’t so large, weather & roads spoiled it, had nice prizes; lot of pillow cases.

Sunday, Feb. 21, 1937

Went to Red Bud mass; Aunt Mary came from church had dinner here; Uncle Fred stayed at L. Birkners all day. She went there this afternoon. We went out to Henrys. Bert stayed there & pap went with Henry to Waterloo along with, Burckhardt to Maeystown, to look at cows, so far they didn’t make a trade. Leo & Rose came this eve.; we played pinochle, 3 games.

Friday, Feb. 5, 1937

Bert cleaned, pap went to Red Bud to see Hartmann. This afternoon hauled a load wood in basement. Mr. Davies was here yesterday, wanted to trade; he took 2 doz. eggs along 19¢. Seen in Times that Joe Freund had auto accident last Sun. morn, near Booster Station, says he was crowded of the slab, car turned over landing on radiator, & quite a bit damage to the car, but he only has a few scratches. Transfer of Owen J. Fahey & wife to Ed. Fahey & then again Ed. Fahey to Amie, his mother. Tipton presents “Taming of Tuffy” tonite there. Leo & Rosalia & Jake came this eve. played pinochle about 6 games.

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1937

Ground hog seen his shadow, 6 weeks bad weather. Leo & Rose came, we went along to Belleville, pap went to dentist, they had dinner with us, took the wash stand along that was upstairs. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, got egg mash, paid Quernheim for Rose furniture, Bedroom Set, Spring & Mattress, kitchen cabinet, all $120.75. Beautiful day, little cold. Pap & Bert went over to Geo. Wagners, helped quilt a Sun flower quilt, had lunch. Pap & Steve, Ed. Kerober, Geo. Wagner played pinochle & solo; ladies quilted.

Sunday, Jan. 24, 1937

Went to mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, then went home. Leo, Rose & Isd. came for dinner, played cards this afternoon, Henry & family came, took pap & Bert along out to Uncle Fred’s, the rest to, went all for supper celebrating Aunt Mary’s birthday; played 6 hand pinochle. Raining & freezing all day long.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 1936

Went to mass. Awful nice day, warm. Was at home all day. We heard Mildred Hepp birthday request by Erna Hepp yesterday on the radio. Leo & Rose went to Belleville. Alois Roth & Gertie were here this evening playing cards, we sure had a real pinochle game, Gertie had 800 kings & 300 pinochle at 1 time. Gertie & Bert partners against men; played out even games, 3 on each side; we played 6 games.