Pap & Rose went to Henrys got load oats. Pap & Berti went to Waterloo this afternoon, got last of benifit [sic] wheat AAA check $22.91. Pap got his measurements taken by Peiper for a new suit for Christmas. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we played 5 hand pinochle, listened to radio.
Thursday, Dec. 10, 1936
Rose sewed jumpers. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Rose had her broken tooth looked after by dentist, he has to treat it, & if it hurts, has to have it pulled; come in again next Fri. We went to Steve Renneckers played pinochle broke even, except one game tie, Berti had 800 kings. Pretty cold.
Monday, Nov. 30, 1936
Pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary going to saw wood today; got 24 loads; starting 7:20 this morn. Krebs saw, & O. Birkner, Henry, pap & himself; had dinner, took till about 3 o’clock when finished. Burdgorf of Red Bud got the heifer $210 & 3 lbs. good beef, get it when you want it. Eggs 31¢. Got calandar [sic] from Techny Ill. Al. Cleveland’s family were here played 6 hand pinochle game.
Sunday, November 29, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, took in $350 at Turkey supper, but the expenses isn’t off that is $200 clear she said. Fr. Stern gave budget collection envelopes around this morning, for every body to donate, hand them in before Jan; has that instead of pinic [sic] & house collection. Henry & family were up this afternoon for supper. Omer & Leo came this eve. we played 5 hand pinochle.
Thursday, Oct. 22, 1936
Pap went up in the woods with the tree man, he brought some honey & we strained it got 3 glasses. Ed. Schineder looked at the horses. We went out to Henry’s he butchered; we brought some along; had beef soup dinner & liver. Cold today, & nite. Tipton has euchre tonite. We paid electric light bill $1.00 for 8 kilowatts hrs. Leo came & we all went out to Henry’s; played cards, pinochle, 6 games. won every one, had fresh sausage & cake. We took all the flowers out, pretty cold tonite.
Sunday, Dec. 15, 1935
Went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here all day, had dinner & supper; played cards this afternoon. We went to Rob. Lauts tonite, played 5 hand pinochle, pap had 1,000 aces. for the first time.
Saturday, Dec. 7, 1935
Leona brought the boys up, stayed all day, dinner & supper. Henry got them this eve; the beef didn’t sell so good, to many going around town with beef; we took 11¾ lbs; had roast for dinner. Made cream pies today. We went to Renneckers this evening, played 4 game pinochle, his brother Jake of Belleville was also there, visiting for several days. Pat May is having a free dance at Donahue’s tonite.
Monday, Nov. 18, 1935
Henry & Leona, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here butchered 2, one for us & 242 lbs. & one for Uncle Freds 250 lbs; the boys went to school; Uncle Fred took load home & came back again for supper; it is his birthday 61 yrs. old, we went out this evening. Henry & family, Chris Buehlers family & Oscar Birkner & 2 boy’s & Kenneth Neff, were there, played pinochle, games, sang songs, had cake, cookies. Fredrick Fritsch was here wanted eggs, we had none. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Hecker school has visiting day; no school here.
Thursday, Nov. 14, 1935
Pap went in the woods. Henry & Leona came & Billy. Henry went to Sam Mosio’s to get the corn & hog checks. his is $7 – 3.11, & paps one is $6.54 & $2.92; very little. Mehrman came & borrowed hammer; Wagner’s & Mehrmanns came over this evening had pinochle game. Mr. Mehrmann had 1500 trump again & also Berti had 1500 in clubs; different games.
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1935
Papa went in the woods. Berti ironed. We received a card from Elvira Haudrich. Chas. Daugherty wedding to take place at Paderborn Nov. 13; & dance at Totchisin [?] evening. Bernice Wagner came & told us to come over there for a card game this evening; so we did played four handed pinochle & loser drop out; Pap & Merhmann were partners & lucky players this evening; he held 1500 trumps & etc. Clara & Rose & George & Berti were partners. They say Clifford Stahleber & Red Mueller are married & live in Waterloo now, above Kerhn’s store.
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