Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary called from church. We all went there for dinner & supper. It rained this morning early; then turned out to be a nice day. Nic Loehr was here & also at Henry’s but found no one at home, he wants to buy a horse. We got another business letter from Aug. Hempe. Tonight the St. John’s Church at Red Bud, given by the Dramtic [sic] Club, will give a play; 3 acts entitled “Spooky Tavern;” we went to see it, awful good, the hall was crowded, not enough seats. Songs & Au Buchon’s Band; kids tap dancing between acts. Good many people from Hecker, was down. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heyl stop on there way home from Berkel’s funeral, at Smithon [sic], he wants to buy small pigs.
Friday, Feb. 9, 1934
It is most terrible cold this morning, they ain’t working in the woods; went this afternoon again. Seen in the paper that the Young People of Patrick’s Church of Tiptown will give a play “Antics in Andrew” Sun. evening & on Mon. eve, in Waterloo, Memorial Hall.
Monday, Nov. 27, 1933
We washed, ironed; nice day. George Wagner & Steve Rennecker where over got George hog; 235 lb. it weighed. Papa went out to Henry’s, then to Waterloo, to see about the culpirts [sic]. He took the chev, to Eichenseer’s got glycerin 6 qts. put in $2.50. Miss Edna Rieso was tendered a miscellanous [sic] shower last Wed. nite at the home of Mrs. Lena Rittmeyer in Bellville [sic], she is to become his bride on Dec. 16, Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer. Twenty guests where there. The play that was last night, is going to be again tonite.
Sunday, Nov. 26, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile. George Wagner came to see if he could get a hog, for butchering tomorrow. A lady called to get eggs but they got some at Renneckers, ours to high I guess. 27¢ in the store here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then Rosalia & Bertie went along to the play, in the School Hall given, by the Dramatic Club; name is the “18 Carat Boob.” players; are Elvira Braun, Pearl Griffin, Anna Marie Parker, Wilfred Eichenseer, Albert Coop, Agnes Parker, Elfreida Wittenauer, Joe Griffin, Edgar Wittenauer, Raymond Wittenauer, Angela Eichenseer, Lee Gregson. The hall was packed. Auchbon’s band of Red Bud, furnished musci [sic], & also tap dancing.
Wednesday, April 26, 1933
We cleaned the kitchen stove & pipes. Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds & got the potatoe [sic] plow. Broad Hollow Grange is giving a play “Civil Service” tonite & dance after it. We planted 2 bus potatoes. Papa planted a patch of corn. Rosa & Bert went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, washed & worked the garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, stayed in Hecker over nite, she brought 90 cabbage plants & few tomatoe [sic] plants along. The road worker are working by Kammler’s & Scheinders today.
Sunday, Feb. 26, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then left, they brought Lonie along up to church. Gilbert is sick, got fever & ear ache. Fr. Aydt said this morning, they ain’t sure if they can have the play tonite or not, because Lee Gregson was here praticing [sic] last nite & when he got home, they had to call doctor , he had 104 fevers. There where 2 fellows here looked at our mules this morning. Bolstead from Burksville. Our 3 hens hatched last Thurs. 28 chicks, we put them in basement & we set 3 more. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to Heyls Hatchery, chicks are 7¢, then we went to Luhrs Hatchery at New Hanover, & priced them there & seen all the little chicks he has there. We stopped in at Henry’s on our way home, & Frank & Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Lester Herfurner & his family where there from St. Louis, & also Gus Geodelle’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we went along up to see the play “A Path Over the Hills” at the School Hall, Adm. 25 reserved seats 35¢, there where a lot of reserved seats, & the hall was just packed, some standing, just filled up, the Red Bud Junior Orchestra played the musci [sic]. The players in the play where Joe Griffin, & Pearl, Vic & Rosalia Braun, Anna Marie & Agnes Parker, Edgar Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, & Alb. Coop, & a girl from Pickneville [sic], took Bessie Parkers place, in the afternoon they had a boy from there to because Lee was sick, but he played pretty good. Vic Braun & Anna Marie where negroes.
Sunday, Nov. 20, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. Hy. Armstutz & a fellow from Belleville where here, he got 4 doz. eggs @ 30. $1.20. Papa went up to the store this afternoon, got our spray that Wittenauer’s brought along from Henry’s. Henry took his saussage [sic] & meat into Waterloo this morning for Art Geodelle from St. Louis, he is to buy it all from him. Tonite is a play at Belleville, & Red Bud & Waterloo, Red Bud it is all married people, Adm. 25¢ the name is “Just Country Folks.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary didn’t stay up long this morning on account of the roads, the wasy she says, Fr. had a big sermon in church again this morn. Frank was published for the second & third time, the wedding is Thursday, Thanksgiving Day at 9 ‘o clock. Joe Hilpert & Rheinhardt were hunting out at Henry’s today. It is awful warm, the snow is nearly all gone.
Monday, June 6, 1932
We had wash day. It is awful hot. The School children of the Catholic School had, a play last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, they are working in town today. Mr. Biebel & a truck from Vandalia came this morning & got the other colt, took it over to Meng’s & loaded it. Hy. Armstutz got our rake & brought it back again this afternoon. An eye doctor was around this morning. eggs are 8¢, papa took 12 doz. off.
Wednesday, May 11, 1932
The Hecker Y.P. League are having a play The Wild Flower of the Hills, & dance after, musci [sic] furnished by Pete Bros. We didn’t go. It rained this afternoon, Papa went to Mr. Eckert but couldn’t make no trade, & got a load of wood. This afternoon he went to Waterloo & got our shoes fixed, we all got them repaired $2.50. The hall was crowded this evening for the play. Adm. 40 & 20¢.
Tuesday, May 3, 1932
Papa birthday 54. Also Mamie Mueth 18. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning brought 2 piegons [sic- pigeons], & we made a chicken yet all soup for dinner. The boys where here all afternoon for supper, while the rest went to the funeral. Henry & Leona came back this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Bertille, went out to Frank Birkner;s, she got 1 lb. butter from her 18¢, then we came back to Hecker again, had ½ gal. ice cream & cake, beer. Tonite is a play & dance at Paderborn. Mrs. Louise Birkner was over to see Aunt Mary this afternoon, & also Janita Ronenberg, she is by Robert Lauts here.
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