Holiday, Decoration Day. Pap went to Henry’s, took mower home; went to Schillings to get lumber. Rob. Laut, Pierre, Buddy Napier & Geo. Boll strawing Rob’s, potato patch today; Geo. Wagner putting rubber roofing on barn today. School pinic [sic] today at Waterloo, parade at 10:30; all day pinic [sic]. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo to pinic [sic]. We planted, pumpkins, watermelons, pickles, beans etc. truck patch.
Wednesday, March 22, 1933
We washed & ironed, cleaned the chick pen in the basement & sprayed it. Henry was up & brought load of corn, there where some guys here to sell fish ready dressed 20¢ lb; we didn’t take any. Papa plowed & harrowed the potato patch this afternoon it isn’t so cold today. Eggs are 9¢ at Eichenseers. A fellow was here trying to sell light plants. It rained heavy this evening.
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