Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930

Today is Thanksgiving.  Uncle Fred’s are going to butcher, they are getting 2 fat hogs from Walter Stahl for .9¢ delivered.  Tonight is to be Box Supper in the Church Hall.  We all went out to Uncle Fred’s today.  We stayed for supper.  Oscar Birkner’s family & Henry Brand were also helping.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up here this evening & then we all went to the Box Supper.  There we danced first & then afterwards sold the boxes, there were 7 boxes to sell.  They were sold as follows: Helen Braun, Rex Rapp, Verna Stiehl, Clarence Braun, Marie Truttman, Ray Braun, Angela Eichenseer, Fr. Grootens, Pearl Griffins, Victor Braun, Rosella Braun, Ben Schilling, Alvera Braun, Olivia Pour.  The highest box brought $1.50, Rex Rapp’s bought it.  The only ones that eat together were Angela & Fr. the rest all left for a Smithton dance.

Sunday, Oct. 12, 1930

There are shooting matches for geese and turkeys and ducks all over again today.  Mrs. Threfall has one for geese.  Alfred May, Wm. Reagan & a good many others.  Henry and family stayed for dinner then afterwards went home.  They was supposed to come back to Pete Reheis that Frank Dudenhoeffer was coming out from St. Louis.  Mr. Louis Dudenhoeffer and wife and son and wife were here a little while then they went back to Reheis too.  He wasn’t in this country around here for 40 years.  They was at our house about a half an hour.  Hecker played their last baseball game today with Floraville for this season.  Hecker won 12 to 1.  Rosalia and Bertille went to church, Rosary Devotion this evening.  There was a man here from E. St. Louis here and wanted to buy some eggs, so we sold him 6 doz. for .27¢ a doz.  Pours got the baby christened Ethel.

Friday, Oct. 10, 1930

Today is Rosie Meuth’s birthday, she is 18 years old.  Papa was out at Henry’s today.  They started laying tiling across the street now.  Walter Pour’s have a little baby girl since last Wed. night, they now have 4 girls and 2 boys.  We cut cabbage in this morning about 2 gallons.

Saturday, May 17, 1930

It is raining this morning.  Rosalia went up to church this morning . After church she was going to clean the church (and) Aunt Mary’s place.  But there was no one else there that was supposed to help.  So she came back home & went up in half hour again & there was no one there yet.  So went she came home again, she saw Mrs. Pour going up.  She stopped and told her there was no one there yet.  When they are ready to clean Rosalia has to let Mrs. Pour know.  She is cleaning on Mrs. Willie Braun place.  Rosalia killed a chicken spring for dinner today.  Mr. Ed Parker came this morning, he wanted to sell us some little chicks very reasonable.  Rosalia went up to clean church this afternoon.  Today is Emma Eckert’s birthday.  She is going to seven years old.  Tonight there are barn dances all over.  Adam Braun, Nick Schaefer.  Last Sunday night there was one at Rittemeyers.  There was an awful crowd there.  It rained all day today.  Rosalia took 2 doz. eggs to the store and got .17¢ a dozen.

Friday, May 9, 1930

Papa, Rosalia are painting the chicken houses this morning.  Mr. Theodore Klinkhardt of St. Louis was here a little while this morning.  He is Mrs. Pour’s father.  This afternoon Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went to George Heyl’s funeral.  It sure was a large one.  Quernheim undertaker.  They have a new hearse.  The funeral was so large that when the hearse was was driving in at the Round Prairie Church, there were still machines leaving the house yet.  People from all over, St. Louis, Red Bud, Waterloo, Hecker.  Mr. Heyl belonged to the Horse Prairie fire insurance co.  He was killed accidentally.  There were over 100 machines at the house and about 100 at the cemetery before the funeral cortege every came.

Today is Gregory Ganley’s birthday.  Lena Meng was over a little while this morning and told Rosalia to get some buttons for her dress.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary had lunch with us this afternoon.

Sunday, February 16, 1930

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  Rosalia & Bertille were invited to Angela Eichenseer’s, she had a birthday celebration.  Those present were: Miss Lena Meng & Clifford Sthalebher, Mrs. Joe Wachtel, Miss Mamie Eichenseer, Miss Elica(?) Pour, & Rosalia & Bertille & Angela.  The evening was spent in playing euchre and pinochle, refreshments were served at due time, popcorn and cake.  August Meuth’s have a little girl.  They named it Bertilla.  We all went up to church this afternoon to confession.  Tomorrow is thirteen hour devotion.  We found 13 eggs.