Papa got things from town this morning. The Ganley place gets sold this afternoon at 3 o clock; at Public Sale. Carlise Morrison, auctioneer. Uncle Fred & papa went over, quite a few people there, the home place, brought, $3,000, 100 acres, $30.00 @ acre. Emily bought that, & the other 40 acres brought $775.00 George Schilling bought it. We & Aunt Mary stayed by Henry’s so long, they walked from there in; the roads were little muddy. Wilfried Eichenseer, Vic’s oldest boy, nearly 16 yrs, was acciendtally [sic] shot, & died this afternoon at 2 o’clock; out by George Boll’s lane, he was out at Papenberg’s to go hunting, report is he fell off wagon & his gun, shot him, Cyril, Harold, Clarence & Wilfred went out hunting, out to Papenbergs, by Parker’s they went across the field, & went they got to Boll’s lane, Papenberg’s boy’s came out with the wagon, got a hog from there, & they stop & talked, Wilfred jumped on the wagon, & sat with the gun towards him, & he was going to get off, he sliped [sic] & the gun went of, hitting him under the arm, in one of the arteries that leads to the heart, & he bleed to death, he had a vest on with 36 bullets in it, some of them went off to, they say it, is sure lucky that none of the rest got hurt. Wagner & Herman of Waterloo have charge of it. Eichenseers brought the body in on the truck, when [unclear] & doctor wasn’t there either. He got a new suit from the store for Christmas & a wrist watch from his grandpa, for helping around in the store. Wilfred was the first to died in Ant Eichenseer family in 41 years.
Wednesday, June 14, 1933
Flag Day. Rosealia [sic] & Bertille went to church at Red Bud to the Wedding High Mass of Ed. Schilling & Mary Forness. Chars. Schilling brother & her sister where the attendants. The bride wore white & veil, & bridesmaid wore light pink & with white hat with pink ribbon, organdy dress; the brothers & sisters where there to; he is going to have wedding dance at Oak Grove tonite; everybody welcome. Papa got the lawn mower sharpened at Bill Fritsche for 10¢. Papa went to the pulbic [sic] Sale of Joe Braun’s property in town which was turned over to Jac. Schmidt Receiver, he sold it lots & house all for $950.00, to Lester Gregson, the only bidders where Joe Griffin, Barney Kaiser, Lester; he got it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & we went to the Wedding dance, gave her sugar bowl & milk pitcher, Schilling’s Moonlighter’s furnished musci [sic], & a crowd. the brides slipper was sold by Gus Kabrinick brought $12.50.
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