Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, had dinner here, him & pap went to Waterloo, Geo. Reheis place got sold at the court house, by Morrison for $4,055. to Amanda Reheis; just her & Hugo Probst bidding, it was 185 acres, awful cheap farm. We all went to Lambkin’s sale by Burksville, came home with Uncle Fred pap. stayed till it was over, wasn’t much of a crowd, but things went pretty good. John Wiegand by Smithon [sic] has sale too. There is two dances at Floraville tonite, both places for young & old. The KWK – Early Birds Chas. Stookey are to be at Dreamland tonite. There was an airplane crash 2 miles north of Smithon [sic] this morn. they were stunt flying & wing broke, the men got in parchutte [sic] & landed just were the wing & airplane fell & took his head off & broke the other ones leg, both are dead they say, terrible accident.
Friday, March 10, 1933
We fixed Aunt Marys pillow cases for the pinic [sic]. Henry & family came up, & the kids stayed here & Bertille went along to Belleville with them, & got a few articles. Ben Rausch’s farm was advertised for public auction last Sat. but no bid was made on it, so it wasn’t sold. The Schoenborn farm of 117 acres near Paderborn was sold last Sat. Mar 4, at public auction. John Schoenborn purchase the farm for $4000.00. Ed Neff build a piece to his blacksmith shop. Henry Kern recently moved from Mrs. Philip Brauns property, to Smithon [sic], Mr. Walter Hecke & family moved into Braun’s property. Henry Schenider’s daughter of Waterloo was confined to their home for having case of diptheria, & Walter Jauger having chicken pox. It is awful cold out tonite.
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