Canned peaches 7 qts. & 1 tomatoes. Pap went to Wittenauers got pigs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic], for parade, had $5 attendance prize drawing every hr. Ray Wittenauers machine burned up, 1 mi west of Red Bud coming home from Oak Grove last nite; Irene Buehler, was driving & Ray & H. Wittenauer’s daughter was along, driving to fast, tire blew out, ran up bank & upset & caught fire; they were lucky to get out & not injured; only Irene’s lips & Wittenauer girls dress scorched & Ray hat burned; all feeling pretty good at the dance, Radio Stars Roy Queen & his gang played for the dance. Buehler told us today.
Monday, Sept. 6, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, September, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Anton, attendance_prize, Aunt Mary, Birkner, Brand, Buehler, canning, car_accident, car_crash, Firemen_Picnic, Oak_Grove, parade, pigs, queen, radio_stars, Red_Bud, Red_Bud_Firemen_Picnic, Roy_Queen, St._Louis_radio, Uncle Fred, Wittenauer
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