Today is Eddy Brand’s birthday in Albama [sic]. We set 3 hens last night & the incubator. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped to quilt, & he worked in there garden. Bertille was over at Renneckers to get the paper to see about Hy. Frischkorn having sale tomorrow. There was a man around trying to sell chicken medicine, we didn’t buy any. the Eicheneseer’s boys was down & looked at our little pigs & chickens. Seen in the Waterloo paper that Emil Querheim had twins a boy & a girl born 9 clock on Feb. 29 leap year, they have 4 – 2 boys & 2 girls. Alois Havey have a child born in the hospital at St. Louis & Hy. Eichleman Jr. have a little boy, the first born.
Saturday, Feb. 13, 1932
We sent a birthday card to Josie Keller today is her birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry where all here, then we went up to Neffs house to Emma’s funeral. She was buried at Red Bud & also in that church. She was 20 yrs. old. The pallbearers where: Edwin Wacthel, Edwin Reheis, Lester Bruns, Ralph Wiegand, Joe Griffin, Werner Kammler, Quernheim’s undertaking. The baby Ed Jr. is going to stay with Neff’s.
Saturday, Oct. 24, 1931
Papa got crushing done this morning. We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, Rosalia got a pair shoes, $3.85, & stockings 10¢ pr. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here stayed all night. Schmidt the tinner got buried this afternoon. Querheim undertaker, tomorrow afternoon is Albert Heyl’s mother in law, he told us to tell George Reheis, he went to school with her. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this evening we played 4 handed pinochle, Papa & Bertille against Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary in favor of Pap. Bertille held 1500 pinochle, in hearts & Aunt Mary 150 in hearts in the same deal.
Friday, Feb. 13, 1931
Rosalia is got them spots all over this morning, so I guess in a few days she will be alright again. Papa took 8 doz. eggs off & got 12¢. This afternoon a fellow from Belleville was here & looked at our chickens, he wanted to buy 6 for $1.50 a piece, but Papa wanted $2.00. So he bought 6½ doz. eggs from the White Rocks, selling eggs for 25¢ a doz. We got a Valentine yesterday & today, one from Rosie & Mamie Mueth. Joe Miller from Waterloo got buried the other day, that is Bess Miller’s dad. The transfer of Ben Schilling to Clara Braun was also in the paper. Quernheim’s are going to have their new funeral apartment open on Main St. next Sunday from 9 to 5, everybody should come to see it. Papa took a letter to Chicago Mail Order to the bank this morning. Mr. Pinkel said, he would take charge of it. That he would send it away tomorrow. We send a Valentine to Rosie & Mamie today.
Friday, May 9, 1930
Papa, Rosalia are painting the chicken houses this morning. Mr. Theodore Klinkhardt of St. Louis was here a little while this morning. He is Mrs. Pour’s father. This afternoon Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went to George Heyl’s funeral. It sure was a large one. Quernheim undertaker. They have a new hearse. The funeral was so large that when the hearse was was driving in at the Round Prairie Church, there were still machines leaving the house yet. People from all over, St. Louis, Red Bud, Waterloo, Hecker. Mr. Heyl belonged to the Horse Prairie fire insurance co. He was killed accidentally. There were over 100 machines at the house and about 100 at the cemetery before the funeral cortege every came.
Today is Gregory Ganley’s birthday. Lena Meng was over a little while this morning and told Rosalia to get some buttons for her dress. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary had lunch with us this afternoon.
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