Raining again, sure terrible, no corn planted yet, its awful. Rose fixed paps shirt. Tiptown has euchre party at Burksville station tonite, was giving it for the last 2 weeks now; Farm Bureau has a meeting & movie show at Pautler’s farm tonite. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, he took the truck & went to Waterloo to Rahns & got a ice box for nothing, they were going to make kindling out of it, Emil came down, & helped to unload it. Eggs are 21¢. Pap got chain letter today Red Bud. Rose sent hers of 10¢ to Battermann of Carder. Ms. Qurin & Armstutz cow tester was here, but it rained so much, they didn’t go to it, coming again some other day. Mrs. Euler is in Red Bud Hospital now, was taken there since Mon; was to high at Mary’s Hospital at E. St. Louis, $1,000.00 for 1 mo; without nurse; she is awful bad, cancer of throat or jaw. Phil Mueth told that to Emil.
Friday, Jan. 5, 1934
It rained yesterday, the road relief workers weren’t out, but went again today. Cyril Eichenseer came & got the recipe how to sugar cane meat. Bertil [sic] went to Liz Boll’s got the bread. Bruno Winkler’s father died Dec. 30, aged 83 yrs. Miss Slyveria Helfrich celebrated her 17th birthday anniversary Sun. evening & Harold Birkner his 6th & Elmer Quirin his 23rd; & also Maben Pickett.
Saturday, April 15, 1933
It is raining all day, lots of water. We killed a chicken for tomorrow Easter Sun. Miss Marcella’s Cortner 16 oldest daughter of Nick Cortner’s had her baby christened last Sun. afternoon & Qurin’s, Lena Roth, had there’s christened the other day. The rabbit laid 14 eggs this morning. We killed a chicken for tomorrow.
Monday, Nov. 9, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry, Ettling, where here digging for a pond, they had dinner & supper, worked 8½ hrs. Eggs are 28¢ today. We called for Dr. Quirin to come out & vaccainte [sic-vaccinate] our pig, the old sow, is starting to get sick now. He charged $10.95, for 10 pigs. Steve Rennecker dug up his sewer today, George Wagner & Louis Dehn helped him. Mrs. Hollerback died & will be buried tomorrow afternoon. Alfred Geodelle’s have a little baby girl. They now have 2 girls.
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1931
We went to Waterloo Church this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. I seen in the paper that Ed Parker’s have a little baby boy born last Sat. Also Elmer Quirin’s have a little boy. Hecker first team won 2 games, one with the All Stars.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1931
Papa is hauling the fresh coal in the basement for this year. He hauled 2 loads this morning. Henry was here this afternoon, he was talking about getting his hogs vacinated [sic], Alf. Geodelle, Joe Schilling have there. There are getting them vacinated [sic] all over. Papa went over by Steve Rennecker’s awhile. There was a gent here selling Oriental Rugs. It is awful hot these days. Odillo Eichenseer & 2 of his friends from St. Louis left last Friday, for Chicago, he covered a distance of 900 miles with his new car. They took a 40 miles ride on the lake on a speed boat. Papa was over at Rennecker’s this afternoon, & Steve he told him, today was his 40 yr. wedding anniversary, so tonight we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry’s family, Gus, Klotz, Adam Brauns, Ed Neff, Gus Frisch, the evening was spent in musci [sic], cake, soda, wine where the refreshments served. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, papa had to help him, he got his hogs vacinated [sic] Quirin did the work for $8.55. Albert Cleveland Grover where there, he brought theres up to & got it vacinated [sic], he has only the one. The egg man was here, we sold 3 doz. 19¢. A man selling rugs, & one taking pictures of babies where here.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1931
Today is Wedding High-mass for Lena Roth & Elmer Quirin. Rosalia & Bertille went to church. There were quite a few Paderborn people there. His brother & sister were the attendants. The bride wore a white dress & veil & bridesmaid wore a pale blue dress & hat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon.
Friday, Jan. 30, 1931
Papa went out to work on the church farm again. This afternoon Rosalia & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s. Papa came over there too with Uncle Fred. We all had supper there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this eve. before they went down to the dance at Wiegands. The transfer of Anna Braun’s property was in the paper today. It was in the paper about Gregory Neff & Hedwig Watchel, they were married Tues. morning at Paderborn. Alvin Roos & Florence Meuth were also married at Paderborn this week. The license for Elmer Quirin 21 to Lena Roth, Hecker, 22 were in the Times.
Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1931
Today is Mrs. Boll’s birthday. We are going to butchered today. The last one now. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for dinner today. Leona when [went] to Red Bud to the dentist this afternoon. We seen in the paper the marriage license of Alven Roos & Florence Meuth, & Gregory Neff & Hedwig Watchel all of Paderborn. Last Sun. Lena Roth & Ed. Quirin were published for the first time in church.
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