Pap went out sewing wheat again with the spring wagons. Rose took load wheat to Waterloo $1.13, we helped Leona, washed & stretched curtains; no school today Teacher meeting. We had dinner out there. Wheat is $1.13 that is what we got. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. A Hucksteer [sic? – huckster], from Red Bud was here comes every Thurs. has fruit & vegetables, we bought bananas. Budde got our old radio, took it to Guker’s at Red Bud; we kept his Philco electric, on even trade.
Thursday, October 1, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to Henrys’ got load oats; he went to see Dan Geodelle. The Staff man of Red Bud came, they went out in the woods this afternoon. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here paid Int. for the year. Sure beautiful day. Henry came & cut alalfa [sic] hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Presidents are to speak over the Radio tonite, Roosevelt & Landon at 8:30 & 9:30 from Chicago, Ill.
Monday, Sept. 28, 1936
Raining all day & cooler. Henry & Leona went to Belleville. Billy stayed here; boys were at school. The town lights were put up today, we had lights all over town tonite, at 5:05, turned on over at New Athens. Mr. Bill Kammler died, yesterday morn, of a cancer & stroke, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at the church & cemetery. Mr. Guker of Red Bud brought Joe Walcthel radio up $42.50 pretty nice, Philio, also brought a $17.00 here, its small Philio, nice an loud, we should keep it for a week, till Sun. morn.
Saturday, Sept. 26, 1936
Pap went to Waterloo. Vic Eichenseer brought a $53. radio here for us to try out. We went to free dance at Paulters, nice crowd. Papa went to Louis Armstutz’s & paid for lime dust. $13.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Oliver Bell, Lee Howery & Ray Wittenauer turned there car over at Parrots corner last nite. Bell’s car, Ray was still unconisous [sic] at Red Bud hospital this morning yet. We took in the Floraville Homecoming this evening. Alois Havey came & got his radio, brought one out Sat. eve. left it tell this afternoon, couldn’t make no trade. Crook was here looked at drill, some other guys looked at the team, fellows from Mondonaville. Beautiful day.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 1936
Pap got haircut. We went to Belleville got new hats. Brought Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary along, were over at Kellers since Tues.They had dinner here, took them home, had watermelon there, then we went to Waterloo, paid dentist Hotz $2. for Bertie tooth. Went to church. Joe Griffin & wife came awhile this evening. Radio isn’t so good, bad nite.
Saturday, Aug. 22, 1936
Pap cut 4 corn shocks this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up at noon, there wedding ann. came over the radio this morn. We all & Henry & family went over this evening, had water melon, cake.
Tuesday, July 21, 1936
Finished ironing, baked bread & coffee cake. Joe Griffin came yesterday, looked at the radio, the b battery is no more good both dead; A battery is alright yet; We went to Belleville this afternoon got new B batteries $1.59. Joe put them in now.
Saturday, May 2, 1936
Nice rain last nite; makes things grow, we worked the garden all through. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & pap went with them to Emlings sale by Burksville, May sale cryer; tools & 5 rooms furniture. Washed our hair, got real nice again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, then pap & him went back to Emlings again & got mule & horse that pap bought, bought all kind junk, Uncle got rocking chair, pap walked home with the team, 11 o’clock when he got here, we listed to the radio & stayed up till they came home again, had a big & good sale. The sow had 1 pig today & 1 dead.
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