Beautiful rain last nite, settled dust for awhile. Rob. Payne democratic candidate for clerk was here this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, went to Red Bud. Harry Wittenauer’s finished sewing wheat here today. Henry & family were up, he got some more wheat to sew; Listened to Major Bowes on radio.
Saturday, Oct. 8, 1938
Pap hauled load wheat to Waterloo it starting to get hot, got 60 [cents] a bu. We took another load in the afternoon, then went to Burksville to Zimmer’s sale, bought nothing. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also there she bought few articles. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. after supper. Chas. McDermott, Luke’s son & Austin’s [? – unclear] brother passed away false report – he is in hospital from a fatal accident, falling of a truck several day ago. Pap went to Emil’s awhile. Bert [Bertille] listened to radio & fix curtains.
Saturday, October 1, 1938
Pap got crushing done went to Stahls got Whip fixed. This afternoon went out on business trip in black jacks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to see Buehler’s farm they are papering 4 rooms in house; now. Eggs .25 [cents]. Mr & Mrs. William Birkner had a request to German Band for the birthday of Mike Armstutz; & last nite for Ed Krehoer girl, & Susie had yesterday for Mr & Mrs Aaron Papenberg Ann. by Elmer Rittmeyer & family of St. Louis, & for birthday of Edna Haudrich by Irene Buehler; Leo & family went out to Henry’s.
Monday, Sept. 19, 1938
Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, he worked across street, had beef soup dinner they brought here, had dinner & supper. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on bedspread, donations to go for recovering aisle for centennial mass, which will be in Nov. 11. Pap went to meeting at Kammler’s hall; about the farm plans again. Mrs. Bill Gallagher died this morn. is at Kochs parlor, she was ill for about week; will be buried Wed. morn at Red Bud. Leo & family & Henry & family were here this eve. Radio say frost tonite..
Thursday, Sept. 15, 1938
Uncle Fred walked up & got wagon & team, going to haul wood today, from the woods to his house. Bert [Bertille] started house cleaning west room upstairs, nice cool 59 [degrees] this morn on radio. Wittenauers have harrowing, everybody busy in fields now. Hall’s big circus in town tonite, on Werner Kammlers lots; have elephant, mule, 2 horses, camel, dog, monkey; seen them all when they unloaded, didn’t go to circus. Adm. 20. Emil went said it was pretty good, didn’t last very long; had no musci [sic], at all.
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 1938
Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came worked across the street & had dinner here chicken. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Cloudy this eve. thunder. Emil was over awhile. People around are rather Hy. Rausch selling apples with Schwarze from Calhoun Co. selling apples @ $1.25 bu. alful [sic – awful] nice apples they were. Waterloo band played on radio again this eve. last time for having week day concerts in eve. they advertised the Home Coming for next Sun. didn’t come through good to much static, bad weather, thunder rain in St. Louis.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1938
Washed, cooked catsup & preserves. Fr. Spors stopped in on his way to Onley [sic – Olney] to a pinic [sic] left our chance books, he had Seiferts along Mr. brother a priest is stationed at Olney Ill. The hottest day this yr. had little rain. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped fix stands for pinic [sic]. Waterloo band plays on WTMV. at 8:05 tonite. Roy Pautler 27 died Mon. morn at St. Mary’s hospital in E. St. Louis, from head infection & sore leg that he had.
Friday, June 24, 1938
Heard Chas. Stookey’s program on KMOX a record of Millsdadt [sic] fire engine on a imaginiary [sic] fire. on radio at 6:30. We Went out to Henry’s starting combining at 10 ‘ o clock stopped at 5 laid over awhile at dinner; got out 100 bus; so many people there to see it work; we had lunch dinner & supper. Leona & Bert [Bertille] took 18 bus. to Waterloo got 67 [cents] docked 3. top is 69 [cents] today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon her left little while after we got home. So hot today.
Tuesday, June 21, 1938
Leo & family brought Bert [Bertille] home this eve. listened to Waterloo band play on radio; were at Waterloo on band stand broadcasting over WTMV. sure nice, it sounded.
Saturday, April 23, 1938
Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, pap went along with them to sale, by Valmeyer, & at Tipton – Joe Lengyl; bought crocks. 1-4 gl – 2- 2 gals. – 1 gal. 65 [cents] cheap. Bert [Bertille] went to Rose’s [Rosalia], cut lawn etc. Leo worked the horse this afternoon. Weber of Smithton, was here on business. Radio isn’t very good this eve.
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