We all went to the pinic [sic] about 2:30. Had supper there, then went home & done the feeding & went back again, the Skaer’s boys played until 10 o clock. We met Irvin & Jake from St. Louis, there. The quilts were raffled to Mrs. Adolph Spalt, & to her sisters from St. Louis. In the bleuey [sic] stand they gave a 32 piece dinner set, it was won by Leo Cortner. Mrs. Adolph Rittmeyer died about 4 o clock this evening, her father died also on a pinic [sic] serveral [sic] years ago. Mr. Jake Mueth [ed. note: “Jake Mueth” is crossed out] of Belleville died, & Mr. Grossman of Smithon, [sic] Marshal Hill’s fatherinlaw was found dead in bed this morning.
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