Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came here then they went to Buehlers. They came back this evening, & took us along to Blackburn’s SchoolHouse, had hallowen [sic] program, the children had & teacher Miss Burgess served lemonade, & people brought cake, pie, dougnuts [sic], & then lunch was served, to the following – Mr & Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & kids, John & George Henkel, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp, Ivo Rapp, Eunice Blackburn, Hy Ronneberg & family, Bill Sensel’s family, Mrs. Christ Buehler & kids, & us. Miss Blackburn baked a cake & put in it a cloth a pin as a guess, Leona made the right guess, & got a cake soap, hallowen [sic] trick, I say. Ha!
Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got a load of wheat; took it to Red Bud; got 78¢; then got a load here to feed. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s, fixed her dress, had lunch, brought pears & peaches along. Wm. Harbaugh’s have baby girl born last nite. Yvone Rapp was taken to Red Bud Hospital operated for appendix, from 11:15 to 12 o clock this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we all went to Red Bud, to the Drawing boxing & wrestling; quite a few names where called, Fred Reheis was, but he didn’t appear, that is the only one except Mrs. Frank McDermott from around here, that was called.
Sunday, Sept. 17, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where here for dinner, & supper; had chicken soup. Steve Rennecker’s wed. anniversary. Mamie & Clarence where down tonite. Maniers have a dance, Herzog Nite Owls. Miss Marie Krack died Thurs. & will be buried this afternoon, with mass tomorrow morning; she was 29 yrs. old, they have her at home upstairs. Mr. Rex Rapp & Miss Helen Braun where married yesterday; surprise, they weren’t published.
Sunday, June 25, 1933
Jonny Roscow rode along to Red Bud with us. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie went to the ball game this afternoon in Hecker, this time they lost for the first time so far, playing with Belleville, 2 to 7 & little team played Evansville small team & got white washed 5 to 0. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up from here. They went to the birthday of Mrs. Mike Armstutz; they also had an invitation to Rapps fish fry Ivone’s birthday. The Singerfest of St. Louis had there pinic [sic] at Millstadt today. Miss Hilda Wilhelm & Len Gartz where married at Red Bud at 4 o clock, in the Evangical [sic] church there. Marianna Fritsche was to be flower girl but she wouldn’t do it after they got there; the dance is 4 miles from Darmstadt in Smith Hall.
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1932
Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to exchange papers this afternoon. Henry brought a load of corn up this afternoon. Chas Jung got 30 doz. eggs 20¢. Rosalia sewed jumper for papa. Iromme Rapp is going to Red Bud High School started this week. Geo. Pautlis Jr. had a wedding dance at his home last Sat. night, he married Eliza Roberts from New Florence Mo. Miss Frances Doyle & a guy from St. Louis got married last Sat. Papa took the cream up to Eichenseer’s shipped it over to St. Louis to the Blue Valley Creamery have to pay him 25¢ to take it over, we had 8 lbs on our scale. Bertille got the can again this evening.
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn, had spring chicken dinner here with us & also lunch. We cut Bobby shirt out, this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Rosalia drove down to Rapp’s. Got 5 watermellons for 25¢. 45 lbs. Jung the egg man got 23 doz. eggs. Today is Uncle Freds & Aunt Mary’s 34 wedding anniversary. We also went; across the street, Henry & family came up too, watermellons & cake where served. The New Athens cleaners where around.
Tuesday, July 5, 1932
It rained last nite & looks like somor [sic- some more] today. We washed, ironed. Geo. Lorberg was through here selling pickles last Sat., at 50¢ bu. as they come, he has a acre planted & intend to sew ½ acre Sat. yet, him & Rapp’s & Mueths each have a acre, they have a contract with Gauen at Waterloo. Papa went to Red Bud to see Jac. Erle, about the cars insurance, he canceled all but liability & property damage. He sent the check of for the chev. for $10.06. Steve was over awhile, he ain’t going along with Schilling machine this year, Ham has his place, He got fired.
Saturday, June 25, 1932
Papa went out on a business trip. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the weekend. This evening they went to Armstutz’s, Mrs. birthday. There is a birthday Yvone & at Rapp’s, a surprise party, we were not invited but Uncle Fred was.
Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930
Today is Thanksgiving. Uncle Fred’s are going to butcher, they are getting 2 fat hogs from Walter Stahl for .9¢ delivered. Tonight is to be Box Supper in the Church Hall. We all went out to Uncle Fred’s today. We stayed for supper. Oscar Birkner’s family & Henry Brand were also helping. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up here this evening & then we all went to the Box Supper. There we danced first & then afterwards sold the boxes, there were 7 boxes to sell. They were sold as follows: Helen Braun, Rex Rapp, Verna Stiehl, Clarence Braun, Marie Truttman, Ray Braun, Angela Eichenseer, Fr. Grootens, Pearl Griffins, Victor Braun, Rosella Braun, Ben Schilling, Alvera Braun, Olivia Pour. The highest box brought $1.50, Rex Rapp’s bought it. The only ones that eat together were Angela & Fr. the rest all left for a Smithton dance.
Sunday, July 27, 1930
They were all up for church this morning. This afternoon we went to Millstadt to hear the singers. It was Saengerfest Picnic. We met Frank Dudenhoeffer, his wife & George, Peter Reheis & Jas. Reheis, Oscar Birkners, Adam Eckerts. From Millstadt we went to the Club House, there we had chicken supper. They had a tarpaulin laid to dance on. There were a lot of people there. When we came home Henry just came out from our house. But he came back again, he wanted to know where that club house was, but they went back home again. Last Sunday the Millstadt ball team played with Hecker here. The score was 19 to 2 in favor of Hecker. Rex Rapp made a home run. Today they are playing with a St. Louis team. I seen in the paper that Henry S. Braun threshed 1800 bus. of wheat & 1500 bus. of oats.
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