Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1939
Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie & made chicken. Frida [? – unclear] Fritsche was here wanted to buy corn. It was 34 [degrees] this morn. ice. Went to Red Bud took our radio along to Guker but it still is the same yet; went to Waterloo to church, & to get Bert’s [Bertille] watch had it cleaned & new glass put on $2.00.
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1939
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, he went to Red Bud on business & paid Ins. Ass. bill $7.00 yesterday. Mr. Hill collected telephone dues. Went to Belleville this morn. got 27 [cents] for eggs. Wittenauers finished sowing wheat.
Sunday, Sept. 24, 1939
Went to mass. They are repairing the commounion [sic] railing in church in Red Bud. Firemen’s have fish fry & pinic [sic] & dance in Manier’s Park today. Leo & family came left Marita here with pap. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Ducan & Mr. & Mrs Lester Huebner & baby Richard; came at 4 o’clock. had supper. here left about 6:15. Bill [Klein] came went to pinic [sic] awhile, & took Leo & Rose [Rosalia] along to show. Mrs. Spalt won quilt playing bluey & so did Alma Hyp.
Friday, Sept. 22, 1939
Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1939
Went to Bellville [sic] with things all sold out; $6.31 all the melons & potatoes. Made peach perserve [sic] & cooking catsup. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he went to Red Bud on business; brought sugar & flour. Leo & family came, going to leave Marita here a few days while they are cutting corn. Sure some awful hot days.
Monday, Sept. 4, 1939
Labor Day. Washed & ironed today. Rosalia’s birthday 28 yrs. old today. Pinics [sic] all over today Columbia, Walsh, Smithton Church pinics [sic] & pinic [sic] at Red Bud. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing.
Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939
Nice day. Uncle Fred’s Wedd. Ann.; also the weddingt today of Orville Schmidt & Loretta Braun church at 9 o clock here; wedding dance at Log Cabin; Uncle & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down. Written cards invitation. Bill [Klein] brought 3 heifers down this morn, pap bought from Mrs. Klein $40.00. Walsh Student for priesthood was here taking order for Ex. Magzaine [sic], will be his last yr. ordered it for 2 yrs. now. for $5.00; he had dinner here with us chicken soup. They were 2 ladies here from Belleville Antique buyers. sold fruit bowl for $1. & milk pitcher corn. for 25 [cents]. Cooked catsup made carrot relish, pumpkin pie, applesauce cookies. etc. Henry was up got bu. fallen peaches for preserves & catsup tomatos [sic]. Schmidts received so many presents; cakes were served by Katzler bakery of St. Louis. Schmidt Och. played for dance. attendants were Mary Braun a sister & Dorthy Peiffer friend & Schmidt brother & Clarence Dashner of Red Bud a friend, a new home is being erected in Red Bud near Gregson’s Filling Station.
Sunday, Aug. 20, 1939
Went to mass. Martin Fahey was buried last day, he was in church on holiday 15. died suddenly. Mr. Geo Braun, of Hecker is getting buried this afternoon at Red Bud 1:30. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published last time today, wedding Wed. morn. here at 9 o clock mass; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henrys family & Gregsons are all invited with special cards, of invitation to Log Cabin Wed eve. that is also Uncle Freds wedding day. Mr Clem Parker & Mamie Eichenseer were published 1st time here morn. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went down Miss. bottoms this afternooon. Rained again little shower. Freeburg have Homecoming.
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1939
Rained this morn. again. Went to Red Bud to Louis Deincks sale Mrs. Chas. Hepp’s father; this afternoon so much to sale & crwod. Percy Starr Auctioneer, we got jugs. 2 – 3 – 5 gal. each. 16 [cents] 35 [cents] things sold pretty good, good prices. Bert [Bertille] went to Cowells & got cigars won at Red Bud pinic [sic], took them to Guker’s & traded for small cigars – they were the 2 for 5 [cents]. $1.10 Henry came this eve. brought potatoes last now, all dug.
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