Holiday. Went to 6 o’clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile after church, they have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bertille went to Belleville, ordered wall of paper & went to E. St. Louis & St. Louis on business, stopped a few min’s at Uncle Ed’s shop. got a tarpaulin at Child’s for Leo 14 x 20 – $9.13 with tax. Dr. Werth have a baby girl. Orlin Skaer’s have a boy at Red Bud hospital; Ethel Prediger is home again from Belleville hospital, going to call there girl Madeline.
Monday, March 6, 1939
Went out to Henrys butchering, killed 2. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here & Red Bud, drove out there for a few mins. to see how they all were. Chester Cowell of Chester accidentally shot his wife, she is in Red Bud hospital little below the heart, went through a purse [? – unclear] & arm, right under heart.
Friday, Sept. 16, 1938
Pap took 11 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 58 [cents]. brought 50 lbs. flour along. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cake & biscuits. Nice cool day. Man here wanted old underwear & things. Al Rausch is hauling coal for H.M. Hill this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Alb. Crook of Poe Station have a baby boy born in Red Bud hospital last week. Mr & Mrs. Joe Schaefer left Wed. for honey moon to Nigera Falls & going to stop at Chicago visit relatives on way back then go housekeeping in there new home, just recently built by Mr. Schaefer near E. St. Louis, he works for New York Railroad Co; at E. St. Louis. Radio is good these nites, & on day time all you hear is war, don’t know yet whats going to be.
Friday, July 1, 1938
Pap went out to Henry’s. We cut cabbage in. Leo Kern stopped here, went out to Uncle Freds got his wagon. Leo & family came this eve. & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came from Eckerts threshing. Mrs. Martin Zauzek died, buried Mon. morning at Paderborn. Walter Stahl died, was out threshing. Clem Schlotmann coming home from threshing was hit by truck, is in Red Bud hospital in serious condition.
Thursday, May 19, 1938
Bert [Bertille] was at Red Bud all day till Leo came this afternoon, brought the family [Rosalia and Marita] home. It rained stopped home quite awhile.
Wednesday, May 18, 1938
Bert [Bertille] went down to mass, came home, washed & ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went down to hospital this afternoon. Leo & Bert went down again this eve. Bert stayed all nite. Ed Brand & Carrie & Clara came awhile this eve; were all over by Emil’s today.
Tuesday, May 17, 1938
Pap came down, got Bert [Bertille], washed, had to hang it in basement, raining all day; As we were coming home just a little ways on this side of Red Bud Stehlhorns kid was playing out at the road he picked up a rock & hit the glass in our car, & flew all to pieces, we drove to there house, said we should get it fixed at Schriebers, so pap went down again, had it put in, $2. Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & boys went down to hospital this afternoon, today she [Rosalia] can sit up & tomorrow get up & walk around & next day go home Doc said. Bert caned [sic – canned] 2 qts. 2 pts cherries, isn’t all of them yet, just the ripest once [sic – ones] off of a tree. Leo came down stayed all nite at Red Bud.
Monday, May 16, 1938
Pap worked garden etc. Bert [Bertille] went to mass, to see Rose [Rosalia] all morn. Pap went down after dinner. Raining this afternoon, nice showers, brought another patient in Wilda [? – unclear] Ziebold operated for appendix. this morn. sure got the hospital filled; the 4 lb. baby died Sat. eve. Leo came Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud, stayed all nite. Rained.
Sunday, May 15, 1938
Went to mass at Red Bud; stayed at hospital awhile; went home. Went down again this afternoon. Fr. Spors. christened the baby this afternoon 1:30 named it Bertille Marita Orlet, call it Marita. Pap & Bertille sponsors. Bill came down to hospital & we went over to hall, to school children’s play was very good; came home had supper went to Firemen’s Dance at Maniers Hall awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile. Leo came, went to Red Bud to stay all nite. Leo Myerscough visited there this eve.
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