Rained heavy last nite; colder this afternoon & eve. Pap sewed clover seed. Eggs 14 [cents] at Mertz Bert [Bertille] took 7 doz. up & got 1/2 butter from Reheis’s make; 20 [cents]. Robert Lauts moved some of there furniture to Rennecker’s, the living room suite. getting ready to tear the old house down, to build a new one, Hoffmann from Belleville has the contract the paper says.
Thursday, Feb. 17, 1938
Raining all nite. Harry Wittenauer stopped in. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came had dinner & supper, helped quilt. The church people is quilting at Rennecker’s, put it in yesterday. Bert [Bertille] got invitation card for Gertie & Aloys Roth Wedding dance at Daab’s Club house next Tues. eve. There is a Wayne poultry feed meeting at Kammler’s hall tonite; sponsored by L. D. Mertz, giving away 100 lb. sack Wayne growing mash as attendance prize.
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1938
Cloudy, raining tonite. Washed, scrubbed basement, etc. Pap went to Hecker got inner tube for Chev. tire. A guy here yesterday eve. wanting clover seed didn’t sell none yet. Rennecker’s & Klotz girls & Emil, came, we played 1 game pinochle, then Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, then we played 6 hand then Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner came yet, so then pap, Emil, Steve & Alois played solo, rest played pinochle, Gertie took my wreath along what Bert [Bertille] had, when Rose [Rosalia] got married. Viola wanted to borrow it, Alois & Gertie getting married next mo.
Thursday, Jan. 6, 1938
Fried in bacon & pork sausage. Henry & Leona went to Belleville with a calf left Billy [Willis] here. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up after the batteries by Probst’s this evening. We went to Renneker’s, paid up telephone dues, 50 & extra for drop tax; Emil came there & we had pinochle game – 10 games 9 to 1. Mr. Hy. Stahlebeher died, will be buried Sat. afternoon; the bell rang this morn. It is getting awful cold rapidly.
Thursday, Dec. 30, 1937
Rained a little today, & Boy the roads, terrible mess. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary wanted to go to Belleville, got as far as Sphalts’s land, turned around, & went home again, couldn’t make it she said. Pierre Laut came, asked for permission to go hunting on our ground. Geo. Wagner butchering today. Rennecker & Laut helping got it from Hy. Armstutz. Sure warm, but cloudy & south wind. The mail carried Schmidt has been going around the last several days, well all week, so far with the buggy & horses; some trip, & some mud. We got Christmas card from Fr. Joe Orlet Mon. Sun starting to shine.
Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1937
Foggy day again. Bert [Bertille] washed. Emil came over awhile this morn. Pap & him walked up to Frank Emery’s funeral this afternoon 2 o’clock services at house; then to city cemetery, he was 63 yrs. of age. had been ruptured some time ago; Pallbearers were Vic Eichenseer, Jac. Neff, Steve Rennecker, Oscar Klotz, Adolph Lother, Bill Fritsche. Wagner boy’s came got 4 doz. eggs for Mehrmann 25 [cents] today. Mrs. Bill Kaiser was taken to hospital in ambulance yesterday, double pneumonia, for 6 days; had Dr. Frein & nurse out yesterday also. Mr. Martin Fritsche here in town also has double pneumonia; so much sickness around & real weather for it to. Miss Kate McDermott who was making her home in St. Louis past while, suffered stroke Sun. morn, was taken to Red Bud hospital, were there she died, will be buried tomorrow morn, at Tipton church & cemetery at Koch [? – unclear]. Wagner’s family came this eve; we play 7 games pinochle, ladies winning every game.
Thursday, Dec. 23, 1937
Went to Belleville church & shopping. Bert [Bertille] went to Renneckers brought his cone boxes back; went up town got card from Elenora Steiger. Looks like we might have rain.
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1937
Send cards, etc. Beautiful day. Decorated etc. scrubbed front porch. Arlene Klotz is sick in bed with cold as Renneckers, quite few people have measles they say at Red Bed & Mayben Picketts school will be closed, on that account. The Catholic school children have there program & Santa Claus tonite. There is no school Picketss girls have the measles at present.
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1937
Washed, ironed. Received Christmas card from Josie & letter from Fr. Aydt; for donations. Nice day, windy. Henry & family came brought tree up. Leona got 2 lb. honey from Renneckers, for piner syrup. Bert [Bertille] went along over there.
Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, to put 3 in concrete in there cellar across the street, pap helped all day, water always stayed in cellar, didn’t slope enough, we had dinner & supper then beef soup. Bertie [Bertille] got flowers to plant out from Mrs Rennecker, all kinds. Henry Wittenauer’s worked up here, harrowing the ground today.
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