Monday, Aug. 23, 1937

Rose came A. [Aunt] Mary & Josie stayed last nite, out. we canned 4 doz. qts peaches, & made preserves, 3 doz. for Rose; cooked 12 bottles catsup, canned 2 qts. Uncle Fred went & got Leo, all here for supper, had spring chicken 2 celebrating Wedd. Ann. [of Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary] Henry & family came here yet, got bu. peaches. S. Rennecker got bu. to said they were to green yet & we thought to ripe. Clara Wagner came, wanted peaches to; gave them mushmelon & watermelon.

Sunday, Aug. 22, 1937

Went to mass. Peeled peaches soft ones. Leo & Rose came, went along to A. [Aunt] Marys for dinner & supper & watermelon lunch. Bert [Bertille] put peac [?] on radio on polish hr. the 39 wedding Ann. tomorrow, Chris Buehlers heard that, & came to there this afternoon. Josie was out also, brought big watermelon along. Mrs. Rennecker & Mrs. Bert Thompson came looked at peaches ordered some. Sure a beautiful day, so nice & cool all day. The Hecker Catholic church pinic [sic] cleared $980.90 last Tues. pretty good for that eve.

Sunday, Aug. 8, 1937

Went to early mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, brought a watermelon along that they bought at Red Bud store; had real watermelon lunch, couldn’t eat half of it 28 lbs. it weighed. Ralph Wiegand stopped in & brought Rose Wedding present at tea kettle aluminum. Steve Rennecker came here awhile then went up to pinic [sic]. The Ladies Aid have there pinic [sic] today at Maniers Park; dance this eve. chicken supper. Uncle Fred & A. Mary, Leo & Rose came we ate watermelons then went to pinic [sic]; much larger crowd; quilt went to Ad. Rittmeyer’s girl, bed spread Hy Armstutz & pillow slip, I don’t know; It was awful cloudy, hot, thundering, but it didn’t rain very much, light shower this eve late.

Friday, July 30, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, home from Buehler’s threshing oats. Mrs. Rennecker & Mrs. Staufenbiel was here.

Tuesday, July 20, 1937

Bert [Bertille] washed ironed & patched. Hy. Feurer is threshing this afternoon, on our ground Acker hauled the third here got 145 bus; he threshed 434 ½ bus. wheat off of 20 acres. & is threshing oats now, on our land also; brought us 70 hrs. oats our share. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Henry & family came this eve. Klotz threshing outfit was the only one that didn’t thresh today Chris Buehler said it was still to wet.

Thursday, June 24, 1937

Sure hot today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] painted kitchen chairs, table, cool oil stove. Mehrmann came got 7 doz. eggs. @ 17¢. S. Rennecker got 1 bu. wheat, he went shocking wheat at Heyl’s tonite, 5 are going to schock [sic] want to finish. 110 acres Walter Heyl has out. C. Buehler has 130. Ivo Buehler brought a letter here from Rose [Rosalia]; she say’s are going to finish cutting wheat today; also finished with the berries 13 qt.

Friday, June 11, 1937

Painted garage & cleaned in hours. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Steve Rennecker helped pap saw of [off] posts for his pig floor pen, he was over this morn, told him he would help saw them of [off]. Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s got saw, washing out there; papered yesterday.

Monday, May 10, 1937

Cleaned chicken house & barn, worked in garden. Pap went on business trip & also to Waterloo to a big sale on Pautler’s farm west of town; people from Marrissa [sic] have a sale, on stock & tractors etc. Cool this morn. A fellow here selling household articles; bought fly swatter. The fire engine whistle was sounded this morn; called to the home of Andrew Mueth in Paderborn, were there house was on fire; but it was put out, before they got there. Rose came this afternoon, helped plant out flowers; took some along home, we planted all the house flowers out. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. Jake Neff was here on business this evening. Cool again tonite.

Wednesday, April 14, 1937

Rain again; nearly all nite; & cloudy & thunder this morn. We had chicken soup dinner. Eggs went down 19¢ now. S. Rennecker came, showed Bert [Bertille] the cabbage plants, he got from Maniers, 50 – 25¢; nice plants; Bert [Bertille] painted coal oil stove & pump.

Thursday, April 8, 1937

Ironed curtains, patched. Roman Meng the acessor [sic] was here. Steve Rennecker brought the boards back what he got for papering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to Waterloo to Wihelm’s sale, bought flower pots, got free can paint at Hamacher’s, advertising, also got chance to win 3 articles to be raffled tonite there. Received the benefit check – $102.03. Raining & colder this eve. Literary in Public School tonite; speaking by H. Hill, Sup of Schools of Belleville. Birkners Och. & Dor. & Osc. Lippert. Eggs .20¢ today. Wheat $1.39.