Got load oats over. Steve Rennecker came over while a fellow here from Shiloh selling seed corn, one from Columbia looked at horses; a man begging for something to eat, etc. Eggs 20¢. Sure beautiful day, but muddy & sloppey [sic]. Louis Birkner is very low. Sheriff got Clif Stahelber & Buss, Weirsheim boy, put them in jail for stealing wrenches, dynamite from Wolfs Rock Quarry near Foster Pond, the way we heard it is also in the paper, stole in on Dec. 16; was going to put them in reform School but it is filled, so Buss & Stahelber got 30 day in jail at Waterloo, & Weirsheim got 10 da. in Waterloo paper that way.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1937
Ground hog seen his shadow, 6 weeks bad weather. Leo & Rose came, we went along to Belleville, pap went to dentist, they had dinner with us, took the wash stand along that was upstairs. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, got egg mash, paid Quernheim for Rose furniture, Bedroom Set, Spring & Mattress, kitchen cabinet, all $120.75. Beautiful day, little cold. Pap & Bert went over to Geo. Wagners, helped quilt a Sun flower quilt, had lunch. Pap & Steve, Ed. Kerober, Geo. Wagner played pinochle & solo; ladies quilted.
Monday, Dec. 21, 1936
We butchered 1 hog & Uncle Fred; 240 lbs got it from Geo. Parker’s, the top is $10.35 today, on radio. Henry family helped. A fellow here wanted to sell rugs. Adolph Schaeffer & John stopped, brought the grindstone & table here. Steve Rennecker butchered today also. Eggs. 28¢. Awful nice day, ground sloppy.
Thursday, Dec. 10, 1936
Rose sewed jumpers. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Rose had her broken tooth looked after by dentist, he has to treat it, & if it hurts, has to have it pulled; come in again next Fri. We went to Steve Renneckers played pinochle broke even, except one game tie, Berti had 800 kings. Pretty cold.
Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1936
Today is the Wedding of Vanderiet & Schields at Waterloo. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s help with the silo again, aren’t finished yet; were out all day, got 5 loads cut; tractor is broke now. S. Renneker came this evening. The light & power Co. were putting in posts & bracketing.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1936
Pap went out to help Henry make a silo & fill it. Steve Renneker brought corn knife back. Mr. Chas. Schilling 23 & Mary Mathew 19 are getting married at Waterloo 8 ‘o clock mass this morn; double ring. Omer Schilling & Dorthy Schneider attendants. Rose & Bert went in to see the wedding, which was pretty nice; dressed in white & pink, carried flowers. Went to the dance at Dreamland, nice crowd, & pretty hot. Schoenborn & Skaer’s playing musci [sic]. Ben couldn’t play; Edna died last nite, is going to be shipped up & buried at Waterloo. Josie Keller came for supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came they all went to Red Bud church pinic [sic], she won a quilt & Josie pillow slips playing bluey. Putting in electric light posts.
Thursday, July 23, 1936
Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday today. Nice cool this morn. Steve Renneker came over awhile this eve. We went out to Henry this afternoon, pap hauled logs away, on different place, so he can plow. Uncle Fred took wheat to Waterloo got $1.02, Aunt Mary stayed by Uncle Adam’s.
Wednesday, July 1, 1936
Cleaned garden, cooked plum jelley [sic] & canned juice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morn. had chick dinner here. Henry also he came & cut hay. Cooler today, good many cars went to Ruma this morn; the vows of the Most Precious Blood Sister Day. We went to Renneker’s this evening; Klotz’s were there too. Eggs 18¢.
Saturday, June 27, 1936
We went out to Henry’s had ice cream this evening. Agnes Gregson’s birthday. also S. Rennekers; had a few drops rain this afternoon, awful hot 96° degrees at 4 p.m. Eggs 18¢. Wheat 88.
Thursday, June 18, 1936
We all went out to Henry’s again all day came home for supper. Rose took the boys in to Waterloo to instructions. The Bonus Bonds are being paid out now. Mrs. Martin Gertie Irone McDermott died will be buried Sat. morn. at Chester, they telephoned left us know; the girls are all dead now, she has to [sic – two] children, girl & boy; her husband is insane. Mrs. Renneker was here, told us that McDermott telephoned to us to tell us.
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