Cleaned garden, cooked plum jelley [sic] & canned juice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morn. had chick dinner here. Henry also he came & cut hay. Cooler today, good many cars went to Ruma this morn; the vows of the Most Precious Blood Sister Day. We went to Renneker’s this evening; Klotz’s were there too. Eggs 18¢.
Saturday, June 27, 1936
We went out to Henry’s had ice cream this evening. Agnes Gregson’s birthday. also S. Rennekers; had a few drops rain this afternoon, awful hot 96° degrees at 4 p.m. Eggs 18¢. Wheat 88.
Thursday, June 18, 1936
We all went out to Henry’s again all day came home for supper. Rose took the boys in to Waterloo to instructions. The Bonus Bonds are being paid out now. Mrs. Martin Gertie Irone McDermott died will be buried Sat. morn. at Chester, they telephoned left us know; the girls are all dead now, she has to [sic – two] children, girl & boy; her husband is insane. Mrs. Renneker was here, told us that McDermott telephoned to us to tell us.
Wednesday, June 3, 1936
Clarence Braun & fellow that stays at Weber’s got the horse he rode him home, comes from Ark. last week, & is working for Weber now. Pap & Rose went to Red Bud to see Zipfel about little chixs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came worked the garden etc, has a good heavy rain last nite, surely was nice, but lot of wind, broke some trees down by Hills & Renneker’s; not here. Henry came up cut clover hay this afternoon, had lunch. Rose & Bert went to Geo. Wagners to coffee demonstration; for supper, those present were all invited guests, Mrs. Geo. Harry & Elmer Kammlers, Mrs Pickett, Mrs. Chas. & Milton Wagner, Mrs. Bill Probst, Lena Meng, Mr. & Mrs. Mehrmann, Mrs. Laut, few ordered the coffee 2 lbs. 67¢, Mrs. Geo. Kammler is going to give a supper on June 17, at her place. Olivia Laut had one to at 1:30 this afternoon for invited guests; also. Bert went to Renneker’s got pt. honey for Henry, seen her coffee dripper & bowls she got. Mrs. Pickett won door prize at Wagner’s, a bowl. We went out to Ed. Parkers to see about chixs, didn’t take none, then went to Heyl’s Hatchery in Waterloo & got 149 chix, $6.50 100, mixed.
Tuesday, May 26, 1936
Beautiful day, warm. We baked bread & cherry coffee cake, we picked about ½ gal. cherries; some are green yet, birds help themselves also; so we might get a few more yet. Eggs are 16¢ now. We sent a book ticket to Dupo, that we received from there, for the benefit of Sacred Heart Church there; on a Ford V.8 .25¢ or 5 chances for $1. Henry was up at Meng’s; with the mares. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, him & Rosalia took 18 bus. wheat to Waterloo got 87¢. Mrs. Renneker has a coffee demonstration at her place this afternoon, Mrs. A. Braun & Erna, Alma & Katie Klotz, Lena Meng, Clara Wagner, Mrs. Hugo Probst; lady doing the work, also Olive Laut is there. Clara Wagner came here & invited us to come to her place on today a week, June 2, she is going to have it, she won a dish, now by giving it at her place also, she gets a pyrex set. We planted the rest of sweet potatoe [sic] plants out, got the row & filled, 360 plants. Send for tennis shoes for Aunt Mary. Mr. Will Rhul & daughter was here, he looked at the rake, but said he couldn’t use it, also talked about the signing of Clover contracts this year.
Sunday, March 29, 1936
Went to mass. Beautiful day. Went to Waterloo this afternoon & around by Paderborn home, stoped [sic] at Joe Buss; looked at his horse. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, after church this afternoon, a little while. Ed Meng & Hannecker was over looked at colt. Steve Rennekers were over awhile this evening. There was a fire went all along Kectritzs place, through the woods, & burned fields, they plowed around it yet so it wouldn’t reach Keckritz’s house & buildings.
Saturday, Feb. 22, 1936
Washington Birthday. Pap got crushing done this morn. Henry did also, stopped here awhile. Floyd has the mumps now. Mrs. Renneker came & got some cottage cheese, also Lauts & a fellow here yesterday from Millsdat [sp] – looking for shoats, we sent him out to Henry’s, he bought them – 6 – $35. They say Walter Neff & Slyveria Helfrich are being married in St. Louis today.
Thursday, Feb. 6, 1936
Pap went to Waterloo, got flour & egg mash, Rosalia went along out to Henry’s, took the wash along & put it away. Billy [Willis] & Robert has the mumps now. Berti cleaned dining room, washed & ironed curtains. The Umbrella man & a fellow selling broom holders were here; S. Renneker got 1 qt. milk. Eggs 23¢ today. Warmer; radio says snow.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935
Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.
Tuesday, June 27, 1933
Today is 3 anniversary of Gambach bros. Steve’s Renneker birthday, also Agnes Gregson. Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s; had lunch there. We all went out to Uncle Fred’s to help with hay had supper. Mr. Rettinghouse is pretty bad.
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