We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.
Thursday, October 1, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to Henrys’ got load oats; he went to see Dan Geodelle. The Staff man of Red Bud came, they went out in the woods this afternoon. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here paid Int. for the year. Sure beautiful day. Henry came & cut alalfa [sic] hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Presidents are to speak over the Radio tonite, Roosevelt & Landon at 8:30 & 9:30 from Chicago, Ill.
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1934
Bernice Wagner got ½ dozen eggs. Pierre Laut’s birthday. Papa went to Red Bud to get hog feed, Zipfel wasn’t there, he didn’t get none. Papa went out to Fleckenstein’s got piece iron for binder. Papa & Rosalia got load butchering wood. Sure is warm today. We cleaned chicken house. Rose & Berti went to Dr. Isselhardt this afternoon; Rose got 1 pulled; wisdom tooth; Berti got 3 tempoary [sic] filling. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening played pinochle, Rose had 1500 trump clubs; had cake. The Election yesterday went Democratic all over the states; Monroe Co. has all repbulician [sic] Offics in but one Al. Gaven. Democrats in state won 2 to 1. Mr. Zipfel brought 2 sacks feed this evening. Weather is beautiful.
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods to get a load of gravel. Tonite is Republican Speaking at the Kirsch School in Lords Corner, free lunch & everybody invited. Bertille went up town this evening & then to Rennecker’s to get the papers. The Hecker Catholic congregation of young boys & girls & Belleville’s are having a halloween dance in the hall tonite.
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