Tuesday, November 1, 1938

Went to 6 ‘ o clock mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up awhile, went home to go to Belleville. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon & took Bert [Bertille] along to Paderborn church, services & procession out to cemetery. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were down this eve.; played cards. Republican Speaking at Kammler’s tonite. J. Schmidt speaker. Nobody of here went.

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1934

Mamie Eichenseer came & brought the pattern back. Then she went to Angela’s quilting. We picked the green tomatoes got near a bu. Melvin Wagner was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought some rose bushes & trees. Henry & family also came, so pap stayed at home with the boys’ & we all went to the Rebpulic [sic – Republican] Meeting at Maniers Hall, free refreshments & dance; & was there people there, like pinic [sic], hall was crowded, & windows outside, Jesse Brown was speaker; & the Morone [sic – Monroe] Co. Officers there too.

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, then he went back home again, got telephone. Meister was there to get hay at $5. load. Henry came up is disking this afternoon, had lunch. Mr. & Mrs. Alpho Parker have a little baby boy was christened Virgil Sun. Mr. Harry Stumpf found a black widow spider, one day last week, brought to to Hecker, & the teacher Miss Burgess explained it at school, to the children. There is a Republician Meeting at the Lower School tonight, to which everyone is cordially invited; will be at Hecker School Fri night.

Thursday, Sept. 22, 1932

Papa went to Waterloo this morn, & got the whippet repaired, brakes fixed, car greased & oil changed for $12.94. Mrs. Rennecker was here awhile this morn. A man around selling fish 20¢ lb. Mr. Fisher the butcher from Waterloo was here & looked at our cow, & hogs. Walter Gregson was here & bought stock roosters @ 10½¢ lb. 18 lb. This evening we drove out to George Boll’s & looked at his cow, then went & stopped in at Roy Staunfbiel & then to Uncle Fred’s awhile. There is Republican Meeting in Kammler’s Hall tonite, Henry went, sandwiches & soda free.

Saturday, Oct. 25, 1930

Today is Jake Reheis’s wife’s birthday.  They are going to celebrate by having a dance in Breezy’s Hill.  Today Gambach is to start his sale.  This evening Rosalia and Bertille went up & took Mamie along & then we went to the Republican meeting in the church hall, or in the new school hall.  Archie Weihl & A.C. Bollinger, A.H. Friedichs & Meader from Columbia were the main speakers & Luis Weihl was chairman.  Free sandwiches and soda water were had & gumo (?) for the ladies from Casey Leep, blotters from Louis H. Zimmer.