Henry & Emil came again, had lunch, dinner, lunch. Mrs. Rennecker has 3 extra men for dinner every day, besides her board, Mr. Eugene Smith of below Sparta, they are men that are figureing out the books at the station, the paper says that Albert Griffin has resigned for a highter position, some says he is going to school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, she bought a 3 lb. chicken & dressed it ready for tomorrow. Melvin Wagner was over awhile. We baked pumpkin pie. The banks are all closed today Columbus Day.
Thursday, May 3, 1934
Papa is 56 yrs. old today. Ed Neff has sold his filling station & tools & now he moved to St. Louis were he is employed as a mechanic. On May 12 will be another school election, appoint a new director on Rausch’s place who just resigned. Papa went to Red Bud got chick mash & cement. Mr. Rennecker brought our paper down. Eggs are 12¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all up for the birthday, cake, popcorn, beer wine were served.
Sunday, April 29, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, then went home, Christ Buehler’s went out there this afternoon. Henry & family came, had supper. Leona, baby, Rose & Berti went up to see Mrs. Mertz. We went out to Cleveland’s awhile this evening. We heard Julius Rausch, school director of Hecker, resigned now, they will have to appoint one.
Friday, Jan. 27, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, from here they went to Belleville. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of wheat & oats. Mr. Bess Miller of Waterloo, is going to give a birthday dance Feb. 1. Adm. 25¢ musci [sic] by the accidentals. The way he says in the paper that Miss Ethel mason teacher of Kirsch School, is going to resign on Feb. 10, to get married. Mr. Russel Gregson is driving a new plymouth sedan. It is awful cold this evening.
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