Mrs. Bridget Dunn at Red Bud died and will be buried Thursday morning. Mrs. Fahey & Ms. Dermont called us and let us know. Papa, Rosalia, Henry, Bertille went down to the wake tonite. Steve Rheinecker was over awhile this evening. He helped a little to put the roof on the chick house. (We found) 20 eggs.
Thursday, February 20, 1930
We got our telephone connected today. Papa, Steve Rheinecker, Elmer Kummer, & Victor Eichenseer set up the pole, & connected the wire. There was a fire out at Uncle Adam’s today. Emil was burning hedge and it started to run away. He call the neighbors for help, but they didn’t answer. So Papa & Odilla Eichenseer & Kenneth Kemp, Clem Parker, Lester Gregson went out, but the wind went down, so it didn’t take long they had it out. Rosalia took 4 dozen eggs to Eichenseer’s this morning, she got .24¢. We found 23 eggs today.
Wednesday, February 19, 1930
Papa went out in the woods today to make a telephone pole. Papa had dinner at Henry’s today & this evening they brought him back on the wagon & they all had supper with us. John Henkel rode along home with them. We found 17 eggs. Eggs are .24¢ a dozen. Mrs. Rhinecker was over a little while this evening. Leona called up and said they was coming up here for supper.
Tuesday, February 18, 1930
It is so nice and warm that we had the front doors open today. We found 17 eggs. We had company today. Mr. Kirsch was here and brought us a book of Starks Nurseries. A man from Baldwin was here and wanted to sell paint. Papa took some of our summer sausage over to Reinhenckers to smoke it for us. Uncle Matt was in town today. Mr. Rheinecker planted some sprouts trees in front of his house. Bertille baked cookies. Rosalia & Bertille washed & ironed today.
Monday, February 10, 1930
Papa & Rosalia went by the way of Red Bud to Waterloo and from there they went to go see Pete Weltzbacher, he has a telephone box for sale. They bought the phone for $5.00. We found 10 eggs. Rosalia took 2 dozen to Eichenseer’s this afternoon. She got .34¢ a dozen. There was a lady around selling flower stands. She asked .70¢ a piece for them. We didn’t take any but Mrs. Rheinecker bought one. Edward & Paul Neff were here this evening.
Thursday, February 6, 1930
We found 7 eggs today. Rosalia took our first eggs that we got in Hecker to Brauns this afternoon and got .39¢ a dozen. She had 2 dozen eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning. Aunt Lizzie was over (at) Rheinecker’s this evening. Steve trimmed his trees in front of his place this evening. There was quilting this afternoon at church basement.
Wednesday, February 5, 1930
It happen to be a nice day after all. We found 8 eggs today. Henry came up this morning to get his machine from the garage, but it wasn’t finished yet. So he came down here for dinner and afterwards went back up again. Then about four o’clock he left for home, but when he got to the corner his machine stopped and then he got Vic Eichenseer to look after it. So he got it started again, he left. When he got between Schneiders and Kammlers it stopped again. He called up Steve Rheinecker’s to call Papa over to the telephone to bring the Whippet out there. During that while he came up to Braun’s & had a little talk with him (and) told him to come out & pull it in. So Papa and Henry went out to where his machine was & got the Whippet passed there. So Henry could get home. Papa walked home. Papa got his hair cut this morning. Willie Birkner dug a well on his place today. Louis and Oscar were doing it for him. Bill Birkner bought Mrs. Lorberg’s place.
Thursday, January 30, 1930
There is going to be quilting in the church basement this afternoon. Mr. Hart the corono feed instructor was here this morning explaining the corono laying mash and grains. Bertille was over at Rheineckers and called out to Henry’s. Papa, Rosalia was in Waterloo this afternoon and they got 50 chicks from the Heyls Hatchery for .13¢ a piece. Bertille was out at Henry’s. Philip Braun and Mr. Hart the corono feed men were out there to. Henry ordered 6 sack of starting mash and we ordered 7 sacks of starting mash. Philip Braun puled Henry’s machine to the garage this evening, the motor was busted to pieces. We didn’t find no egg today. Wheat price today is $1.14. Papa took 4 sack along in.
Friday, January 24, 1930
Papa and Henry were hauling oats from Pabst place to Henry’s. Aunt Mary called up today. Rosalia had to go over to Rheinecker’s to answer. Rosalia found 1 egg. Emil bought some oats this morning. The weather is nice and warm today.
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