We where at church. Henry came to Red Bud to around Palls corner, he went to church to, then him & papa went to Prairie Du Rocher again by Laurent to look at his mare & colt again. Ed. Schilling & Forness was published second time, & Auther [sic – Arthur] Moehrs Red Bud & Isabella Kalmer Tiptown first time. Gregson’s stoped [sic] in as they went home from church & brought a t puzzle; we worked it out already; if it is right we don’t know. Ralph Etling came & paid balance on Int. $25.85 it is now paid for 1932. We ate lunch by Uncle Freds this afternoon. Tiptown & Heckers ball team played today in the new diamond here in town. now, Hecker won 5 to 6. We drove out to Henry’s to look at the mare & cold that he traded on his cow, they wasn’t at home, so we went back again, drove out to the cemetery, around the prairie home; Uncle Fred’s went to Hy. Birkner’s birthday. We went up to Kabureck’s dance this evening, oh! boy & a good time, lot of people, hall was crowded, Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic]. The road men worked at Schender’s today, leveing [leveling?] that all of along there the road looks so much different, the hills cut down nearly all level there.
Wednesday, May 31, 1933
We washed, ironed, Pete Watchels called there little girl Alsace, & George Lorbergs called there boy William. Ed Scheinder is making hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Marshal Schender of Smithon [sic] was here, & then him & papa went out to look at Uncle Freds horses. A man was here trying to sell electric plants. We all went out to Ed. Parker’s dance, the crowd wasn’t so large as the other time. Henry Keorber announced a dance at John Lipperts June 10 musci [sic] furnished by Riverside band. Rheinhardt played tonite. Henry Henze Sr. died between 4 & 5 o clock this evening, he has been ailing for quite awhile. Mrs. Pete Wittenauer was buried this morning at Belleville, St. Luke’s church, Green Mount cemetery.
Sunday, Nov. 20, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. Hy. Armstutz & a fellow from Belleville where here, he got 4 doz. eggs @ 30. $1.20. Papa went up to the store this afternoon, got our spray that Wittenauer’s brought along from Henry’s. Henry took his saussage [sic] & meat into Waterloo this morning for Art Geodelle from St. Louis, he is to buy it all from him. Tonite is a play at Belleville, & Red Bud & Waterloo, Red Bud it is all married people, Adm. 25¢ the name is “Just Country Folks.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary didn’t stay up long this morning on account of the roads, the wasy she says, Fr. had a big sermon in church again this morn. Frank was published for the second & third time, the wedding is Thursday, Thanksgiving Day at 9 ‘o clock. Joe Hilpert & Rheinhardt were hunting out at Henry’s today. It is awful warm, the snow is nearly all gone.
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1932
Papa was up at Osie Neff’s today to see wether [sic] it would suit to measure his road & stacked it off, but it dosn’t [sic] suit him. Gustv Dudenhoeffer was out at Pete Reheis all last week. There is so much sickness going around again. Mr. Hill had wooping [sic] cough & Willis Harbaugh children, Henry Birkners & Frank Birkners & Oscar’s kids are sick, Ed Cortners, Nic Schaefers, Ed Schneiders, kids all got some kind of sickness & lots others yet. John Reageans & Bill Harbaughs got the signs on for Scarlet fever. A man was here trying to sell the Daily Advocate paper. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie came here, then we all went to the euchre in Kammler’s Hall, Bertille had 8 points & got a bucket. Josie got bobby price [sic – booby prize] a layer cake. Rheinhardts band played for the dance.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1931
We all went to Red Bud church. The Hecker Priest read Ignatz Neff name off this morning, he signed the paper at Belleville, this week his kids can come back to school if they want too. Osie Neff was here looking for Uncle Fred. Today is homecoming at Floraville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then about 4:30 left for the picnic. Joe Hibbert the carpenter & his brother Frank & a cousin was here for a short visit. He was visiting Hecker friends this afternoon. This evening we drove out to Henry’s took them along & went to the basement floor dance at George Freund’s. Adm. 30¢ as enter. Rheinhardt & Skaer furnished musci [sic], 3 pieces. Papa was up at the store awhile & he also stopped at George Wagner’s, she said that her sister Lorenia Merhmann & Orlindo Skaer are getting married next Sat. Sept 26 at Floraville.
Sunday, June 7, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went to Red Bud church this morning. Bertille went to Hecker, there where 8 children, 4 boy’s & 4 girls made there Solemn Holy Com. this morn. – & also some made there first Holy Com. This afternoon the 8th graders received there diploma. We all had dinner, beef soup by Uncle Freds, across the street today. This afternoon Uncle Adam & Emil came & Bill Freund for lunch, Frank Dudenhoeffer & Mr. Woodruft, Gusta’s nephew. They where at the pinic [sic], the Evangelicals had cold supper & pinic [sic] today, we where there a while. Fr. Grooten or congregation gave a quilt for them to raffle in Bluey, Elmer Kammler’s wife won it. The Wedding quilt was won by Oliver Birkner. It was to cold for pinci [sic- picnic] today. Papa took care of the kids, when Henry & Leona came up, they went to the pinci [sic] awhile too. Rheinhardt furnished the musci [sic] till 7 o’clock.
Sunday, May 31, 1931
Papa & Bertille went to Smithton to church this morning, it is nice there, we seen quite a few people that we knowed. Henry & family where here for dinner. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry’s family & Bill came, & we all went to the Brick House, the boy’s stayed here with papa. The Hecker All Stars gave the dance, music from Belleville, & also Uncle Fred. Adm. was gents 25 ladies 15¢. Hecker ball team played Evansville today & Hecker won. Gus Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel played at a barn dance at Wagner’s, by Red Bud this evening. There was also a barn dance by Joe Haudrich’s, by Rheinhardt’s musci [sic].
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