Chas. Helfrich got load hay. We went to Leos awhile, then went to Kleins & by Riess to get 15 doz. eggs @ 16 [cents] white wyandottes. Quite a few people came by Kleins he looks natural; nice flowers they have. Bert [Bertille] got mass card by Fr. Aydt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Kleins this eve; house was just crowded; people from all over came; there pay last respects.
Monday, Sept. 24, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went back to Straub’s to get the heifer. There is going to be a Democrat Rally at Kammler’s Hall tonight, Judge Riess principal speaker. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came, all went, papa took care of the kids, stayed here. All the Monroe Co. candidates, were present, Judge Riess, Urban Heyl, Brand’s, Schaefer speakers, free beer was held; after the meeting. We planted our flowers. Mrs. Rennecker came got a dress pattern. We canned 6 qts pears.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1932
We washed, ironed. Papa is fixing us a table for flowers. Mr. Jung our egg man was here, but he only wanted to pay 22¢ so we didn’t give him our eggs, cause there that here in the store. There was a man here from Dupo wanted to sell fish @ 20 lb. we didn’t take any. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve, then we all went to the Democratic meeting in Kammler’s Hall. The Prairie Band of 6 piece furnished the musci [sic], Mr. A. D. Riess of Red Bud addressed the meeting, & Mr. A. A. Brands, & Harry Jackson were the speakers, lunch, of beef sandwiches, & soda. About 400 people where there, from all over. Henry was up to, he brought some potatoes here.
Thursday, March 26, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo this morn. with a load of wheat. Bertille stayed at Henry’s. This afternoon, Papa is going to take one load to Red Bud. They took the sign First State Bank of Hecker off now only Hecker remains. Burkhardt & Riess from Red Bud & Fred Eichenseer all went up to see Fr. Grootens last night. This afternoon they were forced to put the sign on the bank again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon, she went to the quilting down at Mrs. Eckerts. A lady & a man from Belleville were here too & wanted to see about Mrs. Caldwell’s farm. Eggs are 15¢ wheat is 70 & 71¢.
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