Friday, July 14, 1939

Awful hot. Pap dug 2 rows potatoes. H. Wittenauer was here, going to thresh here tomorrow. Transfer in paper of Barney Kaiser to Joe Kaiser. We received the books for pinic [sic] at Red Bud from Fr. Spors. Henry Grossman 62 & Clara Keim 18 of Floraville were married last Sun. in St. Louis, dance in eve. at Keimes. Lightening last Sat. nite; stroke several places at Waterloo Hermans. Country Club; Johanning had 3 cows killed. Bill Weitkamp & Vivian Ripley beauty operator of Waterloo were married last Sat. in St. Louis. Some W.P.A. workers are back on job & others of [sic – off] for good; they had dynamite laid for quarry here by Hecker if they started in working, they would blow things up, so they didn’t work. We went to Leo’s awhile this eve; threshing at M. Mueth.

Saturday, June 19, 1937

Beautiful day, warm. Took load wheat to Waterloo $1.15. Bert [Bertille] got permanet [sic] at Colonial Beauty Shop, Vivian Ripley & Aurelia Hellmer, pap went to Morris sale, bought few articles gun etc. Went to Paderborn to Ronnenberg’s Wedding dance, large crowd Birkner Orch. received few presents, had white dress & veil; & Helen bridesmaid yellow lace dress & Alp. Karban best man; quite few strangers.