We are baking bread & coffee cake today. Papa furnished harrowing this morning & this afternoon started plowing. We had company this afternoon, they were neighbors to Mr. Greinvell at Smithton. They wanted to buy some leghorn pullets, but they only wanted about 5 or 6 & we couldn’t sell them that way, they either had to take them all or’s none. There were some gypsies went through Hecker with the wagon & horses. We found 27 eggs today. We took 5 doz. off & got .25¢ a doz. Mrs. Adolph Rittemeyer is on the sick list at present the way we heard.
Wednesday, July 30, 1930
Today is John Limbach’s sale. Papa went out to Henry’s and got a load of wheat, then he went to Waterloo to the mill & then went out to John Limbach’s sale. We get our daily paper in the evening from now on with the buss. Instead of morning mail carrier. Papa never bought nothing at the sale, everything high priced. Albert Rittemyer was here this afternoon trying to sell brushes of all kinds. But we didn’t buy any. Margaret McDermott call up & told us that our cousin Mary May, Martin May’s oldest daughter died & will be buried tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at the Tipton church. She was to get operated on appendicitis and tonsils, they gave her ether & she never came too anymore. They say she had a sweetheart Joe McArthy. She is 18 years old. Wheat is .78¢ this morning.
Monday, July 21, 1930
Bertille went to church this morning. Papa is spreading lime dust. Rosalia is on the sick list, too much beer last night I guess. There was a machine, the Karr Range Co., they had a victorola in it then those big horns on top of it. They played all kinds of pieces, “Just a Precious Little Thing Called Love.” “I Fall Down and Go Boom,” “Romana.” Bertille took 2 doz. eggs to the store & got .18¢ a doz. The leghorn spring are .17¢. White & Red Rocks are over 2 lbs. .21¢ and under 2 lbs. .18¢. Yesterday the Young People’s League of Hecker had their outing in Rittenmyer’s woods by their clubhouse. It rained awful by Peter Dehns today the way Mrs. Rennecker told Katie Klotz. It just sprinkled a little here. It didn’t amount to anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here a little while this evening, but it started to get cloudy so they went home. They wanted to go to Adam Eckerts yet from here, but I don’t think they did. It is Edmund Eckerts birthday. It rained pretty hard for awhile this evening, thundered & lightning, wind.
Sunday, May 25, 1930
Henry, Leona & the kids were up this morning they went to church. After church they all went home. In the afternoon Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came up and wanted us to take them to the basket picnic. So then we all went down to Rittemeyer’s woods. They played drop the handkerchief down there. There sure were a lot of people there. They went boat riding. Marcella Ettling and Alvera Kuhn fell in the creek. Marcella was all wet her hair and dress. She had her Aunt’s dress on. Alvera wasn’t so bad. Karl Boll and a few more pulled her out. The boat dipped and she got underneath the boat. Then they spread the table for lunch. They had all kinds of stuff, everything you could think of. Soda, water, beer, Highballs, lemonade. In the evening we went to church. After church we listened to the music. There was a dance at Kammler’s hall. There were quite a few machines in town. Mrs. Hellmer and her brood were all out from Waterloo.
Thursday, May 22, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched & baked cookies today. Leona, Robert, Floyd were up this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. They got a letter today from Henry Keorber to come to a basket picnic Sunday at Rittemeyer’s woods. Tonight there is a Public dance at Nick Schaefers barn. There was a man at our house this afternoon, by the name of Mr. Sparks. He sell the Wayne Feed but Papa wasn’t at home. He was out at Henry’s with a guy from Belleville that wanted to buy a mule or the mare. But he didn’t buy neither one. Uncle Fred and Papa went up to the creamery this evening to see if they could get some cinders. But they couldn’t have none right now, but maybe later on. Aunt Mary was saying Bertha Wolf could die anytime now. She got operated on for appendicitis and now she is awful bad sick. They phoned and left Mrs. Jatho at Hecker. I have noticed Edgar Herzog from New Athens and Miss Luetta Fanke of Lenzburg have their marriage license in the paper today. He is 19 years old and she is 18 years old. They go out playing music together. They play the accordions.
Saturday, May 17, 1930
It is raining this morning. Rosalia went up to church this morning . After church she was going to clean the church (and) Aunt Mary’s place. But there was no one else there that was supposed to help. So she came back home & went up in half hour again & there was no one there yet. So went she came home again, she saw Mrs. Pour going up. She stopped and told her there was no one there yet. When they are ready to clean Rosalia has to let Mrs. Pour know. She is cleaning on Mrs. Willie Braun place. Rosalia killed a chicken spring for dinner today. Mr. Ed Parker came this morning, he wanted to sell us some little chicks very reasonable. Rosalia went up to clean church this afternoon. Today is Emma Eckert’s birthday. She is going to seven years old. Tonight there are barn dances all over. Adam Braun, Nick Schaefer. Last Sunday night there was one at Rittemeyers. There was an awful crowd there. It rained all day today. Rosalia took 2 doz. eggs to the store and got .17¢ a dozen.
Sunday, May 11, 1930
Today is Mother’s Day. It is right nice at present. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry were all up for church this morning. After church they all went home. So we ate early dinner and went out for a trip. We went to Waterloo then to Foster Pond as far as the hard road was finished, then turned around and went back again. Then we went to the East St. Louis Boy Scout Camp, they call it Camp Vandeventer, but we couldn’t drive in their gates was locked. Mr. Shrod told us to come back some time after June 22. Then it would be opened to drive in. So we drove back again, and then we went to the other camp they call that the Belleville camp and also Waterloo. The name of it is Camp Wangelin. There was people working there. They have a big hall and all small tents out along the woods. It sure was a dandy place to go. Then we drove back to Waterloo again & then home. We were going to stop at Henry’s but they weren’t at home. In the evening Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came up a little early and then we played ball on the lawn. Afterwards Mamie Eichenseer came down until it was time to go to church. Then we all went up to church. After church, Mrs. Meuth, Joe, Barbara, Rosie & Mamie Meuth, came down and stayed until about 10:30. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here too. Adolph Rittemeyer didn’t have his dance last nite on account of rain so he is going to have it tonight.
Saturday, May 10, 1930
Today there is sale up in town, they are selling the post lamps and old lanterns and all such like. Bertille washed the machine this afternoon. Rosalia was up town & took the eggs. She got .19¢ a dozen. Rosalia & Bertille, Anna & Alvera Braun clean the church this morning. Lena Meng was over a little while this evening. She brought Rosalia her dress over. She took $2.00 to make it. There is a dance tonite at Adolph Rittemeyers barn. We heard he made 90 gals. beer for tonight. It rained this evening.
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