Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner, helping us, clean 2 ducks, & baked 7 cakes & 10 pie crusts, cleaned basement etc. A fellow around selling pencils 2 for 5¢. Rosalia got a letter from Fr. Stern, congratulations & God’s blessing, for a happy wedded life. Beautiful day. Pap & Henry & Uncle Fred all went to Kammler’s Hall for a Farm Bureau & Benifit [sic] meeting, the hall was to cold & saloon not big enough, lot of farmers present, reelected new members, Ruhel – & President etc. Got the chev. license No. 655 – 890. Sure lot of people down with flu.
Sunday, Jan. 10, 1937
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for dinner & supper. Aunt Mary & Rosalia went to Lizzie Boll’s. We went to Pautlers tonite, Herb Probst & Eugene Neff birthday dance, sure a big crowd. Skaer Bros. played. Adm. 25¢.
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1937
Cloudy & misting all day. We went to Waterloo got egg mash etch; stopped at Henry’s awhile; they have a little cold, boys didn’t got to school on account of the weather. We cleaned basement this afternoon & also the shed. We went to bed early, full nights sleep.
Friday, January 1, 1937
Went to Red Bud mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile after church. We went out to Henry’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came also in afternoon we played cards & seen the kids presents from Santa Claus, had lot of nice things. Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Leo came this evening.
Friday, Dec. 25, 1936
Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass; lasted till 7 o’clock had solemn High mass 3 priests; Church was crowded. It rained a little when we came out of church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family & Leo were all here for dinner & supper, had 2 ducks. Sure beautiful day, had the doors open all day, after dinner sat on the back porch on north side, so nice an warm. We played cards afternoon & evening. Rose went along with Leo to his folks tonite.
Monday, Dec. 21, 1936
We butchered 1 hog & Uncle Fred; 240 lbs got it from Geo. Parker’s, the top is $10.35 today, on radio. Henry family helped. A fellow here wanted to sell rugs. Adolph Schaeffer & John stopped, brought the grindstone & table here. Steve Rennecker butchered today also. Eggs. 28¢. Awful nice day, ground sloppy.
Saturday, Dec. 19, 1936
Pap got hair cut. We went to Waterloo to Schaeffer’s sale got a few articles, grindstone, table cook pot etc. Annie is working in St. Louis. Jos. Keller came out, was at Lizzie Boll’s all afternoon; came here to play cards tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Henry’s family, had a six hand game. Beautiful nite. Leona got the coal oil stove at Schaeffers sale $4.00, four burner.
Thursday, Dec. 3, 1936
Fried down bacon. Went out to Henry’s butchering a big hog; had dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped also. Cloudy, snow a little, not much. Henry & family went to Geodelles for supper, his birthday. Leo & Rose went to Jake’s.
Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1936
Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, were all up, helped to butcher, had lunch & dinner, butchered the large sow. Started in snowing this afternoon, & rain tonite. Eggs 34¢ today.
Sunday, November 29, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, took in $350 at Turkey supper, but the expenses isn’t off that is $200 clear she said. Fr. Stern gave budget collection envelopes around this morning, for every body to donate, hand them in before Jan; has that instead of pinic [sic] & house collection. Henry & family were up this afternoon for supper. Omer & Leo came this eve. we played 5 hand pinochle.
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