Baked bread. Pap & Rose went to Waterloo load wheat; got $1.04. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & got pap went to Paderborn church pinic [sic], had nice crowd there, we were all up, Henry & family also.
Friday, July 31, 1936
Henry & Rob. were up, cutting & putting up hay also cut red clover, had dinner & watermellon [sic] lunch, we bought a 18 lb. 15¢ from a guy of Mo. this morn; went around, boy was it good. Seen in paper, Hy. Emery has the first a baby girl since the 28. & also Jo Sommers last Thurs. 5 girls. Mamie & Lucinda & Watchels kids came this evening awhile. Mr. Geo. Braun & son Theo. moved in with Lizzie Boll’s this week; House all fixed.
Wednesday, July 30, 1936
Cooler this morn. Hy. Weigand has a new Ford V-8. Noel Roscow has sale of implements & household articles this afternoon, Percy Starr auctioneer. Tipton has church pinic [sic], chicken supper. Prairie Du Rocher band playing music. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went to Roscow’s sale, bought a rocking porch chair 60¢. things was all pretty old. Henry & family went to the sale to. Place looks terrible.
Sunday, July 26, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up all day had chicken dinner. Henry & family came this afternoon all had supper here. Such a hot day terrible. We went to Floraville to a free dance tonite. Jerom AuBuchon & girl of E. St. Louis were published 2nd time at Red Bud this morn; our cousin.
Sunday, July 5, 1936
Went early to Red Bud to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile, had lunch here. Henry & family came this afternoon had supper here. Wagner kids were here awhile. Omer & Bert went to Evansville.
Thursday, July 2, 1936
Cloudy & heavy dew this morn; no threshing for awhile yet. Henry & Boys came up made hay; had lunch, put 2 loads in barn & took 1 home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Belleville brought us sugar & saussage [sic] along. Sun ain’t shining so bright today, don’t dry so good. A lady here wanted to sell foot cushions to wear in your shoes for callouses.
Wednesday, June 24, 1936
Pap & Rose took 10 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 84¢, last old wheat; got flour & chick mash & fattening mash. We got chicken dinner today. Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to get there radio battery tonite, Henry & family came up, brought milk & ice we made ice cream, about 1 gal; boy! was it good. Beautiful day.
Thursday, June 18, 1936
We all went out to Henry’s again all day came home for supper. Rose took the boys in to Waterloo to instructions. The Bonus Bonds are being paid out now. Mrs. Martin Gertie Irone McDermott died will be buried Sat. morn. at Chester, they telephoned left us know; the girls are all dead now, she has to [sic – two] children, girl & boy; her husband is insane. Mrs. Renneker was here, told us that McDermott telephoned to us to tell us.
Tuesday, June 16, 1936
Henry & family came up had lunch, finished cutting here & went home, started there. Rosalia took the boys to Waterloo Suslr [? – unclear] tution [sic]. Pap & Rose went out to Henrys, had dinner, lunch & supper.
Monday, June 15, 1936
We washed, ironed. Henry & family came, cutting wheat, Leona on the binder, pap shacking, had lunches, dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening. Mrs. Staufenbiel came to see Aunt Mary. Mrs. Frances Benedick 92 yres. old of Red Bud died, will be buried Wed. Red Bud church & Freeburg cemetery.
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