We went to Leo’s today, washed etc. planted potatoe. Mrs. Orlet passed away at 1 o clock this morn; to be at Quernheims tonite. Robert is 12 yrs. old today. Beautiful day; had light frost this morn. was supposed to be 34. Pap went to Smithton Bank. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we went along in to Quernheims, Mrs. Orlet is laid out with black dress & white collar & gray coffin, looks natural, has lot of mass cards, & 4 bouquets flowers; there were quite a few people there this eve. Fr. Joe [Orlet] prayed rosary.
Monday, Feb. 28, 1938
Washed ironed. Pap went to Smithton to Ed. Heap. traded pigs & 2 bu. potatoes $30 boath [sic – unclear]] for 2 horses from him, brought them this afternoon. Pap went to H. Wittenauer bought 10 shoats from him. Went out helping U. [Uncle] Fred saw wood at 2 o clock had supper there. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Henry & family came here this eve; they were up at Orlets, & they were down here so came here.
Sunday, Feb. 27, 1938
Beautiful weather. Went to mass. Henry & family were here for dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon.
Friday, Feb. 18, 1938
Raining again. Emil was over awhile. Henry & family had dinner here, no school today, they went to Belleville; we finished the quilt today; just in 2 weeks today. Ordered auto licenses.
Friday, Jan. 28, 1938
Warmer today, south wind 43 [degrees] at 3: pm. The electric power was shut of [sic] for awhile, over 1 hr; trouble at the quarry. Steve Stiffler of Paderborn was here looking at the horses, pap worked them for him, drove around with the wagon. Miss Mary I James of Waterloo passed away 1 day last week. The paper also says that the familes [sic] of Otto Geodelle & Matt Crowe moved there household furniture to St. Lous, were they will now live. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Henry & family came this eve. Mrs. Orlet is in Belleville hospital, alfoull [sic] weak, has gall trouble, & something wrong with eye since last Wed.
Saturday, Jan. 15, 1938
Pap went in woods, came home for dinner, & went back again this afternoon. A fellow here this morn; wanted some thing to eat. Mrs. Aggie Ratz Doyle was operated for appendix last week at Belleville hospital; & Mrs. Wilbur Heyl was opperated [sic] for appendix also at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. There is a show at Waterloo put on by Nobbe’s, advertising John Deere; implements etc, starting at 9 this morn. serving dinner & movie pictures, etc. Adm. free tickets. Henry & family came this eve. we went along with them to Uncle F. [Fred]
Monday, Dec. 27, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had breakfast & supper here going to stay over nite again, awful warm out. Went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner. Boys got piona [sic – piano] accordion from Santa Claus for Christmas. Lena Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred fixed the pump for Emil, after we came home from butchering. Frank Emery died this morn. 2 oclock is by Wagners. We played cards this eve. pinochle. Lena Meng stopped in on way town.
Saturday, Dec. 25, 1937
Christmas. Went to Red Bud, 6 o clock mass. stayed for 2 masses. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry & family & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all here for dinner & supper played cards etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & we went out to Henry’s this eve. listened to radio, ate candy, nuts, cookies etc. Nice warm, rain this morn.
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1937
Washed, ironed. Received Christmas card from Josie & letter from Fr. Aydt; for donations. Nice day, windy. Henry & family came brought tree up. Leona got 2 lb. honey from Renneckers, for piner syrup. Bert [Bertille] went along over there.
Monday, Nov. 29, 1937
Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we each butchered 1 hog here, 179 lbs. & 168 lbs. – 170 lbs.; had lunch, dinner & supper. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] helped also. Emil came over awhile. Aug. Grahlerr Mrs. Joe Watchels father died will be buried Wed. morning at Hecker. We got 8½ for hogs today. Schmidt brought sack feed & articles down.
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