Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner today. Uncle Fred & the kids also had lunch here this morning. We all went over to see Uncle Fred’s property this afternoon. Then, Henry & Leona & Aunt Mary went up to church to confession because tomorrow is 13 hour Adoration. George Wagner is butchering today. Steve Rennecker is the butcher. Tonight is a dance at Papenberg’s, but we can’t go on account of church tomorrow. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Oscar Birkner, Hy. Ronederberg, Jerome Cortner, Clarence Rettinghouse, Ray Armbruster were all down at Evansville last night at a dance & Chicken Supper by Ronenbergs relation, Marie Davis birthday. Papa got oil changed in the Chev., yesterday at Barthels Garage cost $1.10 12305 miles. Philip Freund was here this evening.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1931
We went to Belleville this morn. & sold 5 doz. eggs for .25¢ & 12 doz. for .20¢. We got new hats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too. The way it looks like Elmer Kammlers are moving today. They are loading up things, rugs & boxes up too Gambachs place, but they wasn’t told to move by Uncle Fred & Elmer never say anything to him. Tonight is euchre in the new school hall again. Papa & Rosalia are hauling water from Henry’s cistern and are putting it in ours, with milk cans. Papa took the milk cans back to Oscar Birkners & Ronerbergs again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & then we all went to the euchre, there wasn’t many people there. Rosalia & Aunt Mary each won a prize. Rosalia had 7 points & got a hat. Aunt Mary had 8 points & got a pair of pillow cases.
Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1930
It is awful cool this morning. George Reheis was here this afternoon with Ronederberg’s horses & got our lime dust spreader. Papa was hauling wood today. There is a sale by Millstadt & Saxtown, it is Mrs. Charles Scrugg’s. Bertille got the mail this evening, the parcel post package from Chicago Mail Order came.
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