We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1936
We cooked soap, cleaned the yard, seperated [sic] & marked chicken. Pap & Berti went out to Henry’s with the wagon, Berti helped clean front room, brought load corn fodder along back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, fixing her dress; had Oscar’s baby along to. Sure beautiful weather. The tree man was here again, he won’t start hauling for awhile, they are working in the bottoms now. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Neff have baby. Pres. Roosevelt came to St. Louis & E. St. Louis & made a speech, 400,000 people.
Thursday, October 1, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to Henrys’ got load oats; he went to see Dan Geodelle. The Staff man of Red Bud came, they went out in the woods this afternoon. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here paid Int. for the year. Sure beautiful day. Henry came & cut alalfa [sic] hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Presidents are to speak over the Radio tonite, Roosevelt & Landon at 8:30 & 9:30 from Chicago, Ill.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1936
Berti ironed. Pap & Rose went out to do Henry’s feeding took the boys along; brought the bacon along & fried them down here; pap & Rose went out to do the feeding again tonite; brought the boys along, didn’t hear from Leona today. Pres. Roosevelt is going to speak over the radio from E. St. Louis Station tonite at 9:o clock. Heberers of Duqouin, & people from St. Louis isn’t back yet; they caught 3 fellows today & held them at E. St. Louis. We listened to the Pres. speech, there were 1,800 people present at D.C.
Friday, March 31, 1933
We waxed the dinning [sic] room floor. Mr. Metzger came & paid $65.00 for the mule. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then went to Belleville, & came back here again for supper & brought our glass along what belongs to the dresser. It rained nearly all day, colder this evening. Seen in the paper that on Kaiser & Wittenauer foreclosure, H.M. Hill is appointed as reciever [sic]. Miss Marie Krack was taken to the hospital again in St. Louis. It was in the Belleville paper that Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hepp & Melba & Mildred attened [sic] a miscellanoues [sic] shower given in honor of Miss Lela Deucker of East St. Louis. A boam [sic – bomb?] was sent to Fr. Coughlin & Pres. Roosvelt [sic] again.
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1932
We went out to Henry’s butchering today. Uncle Fred & Emil helped; they butchered a 500 lbs. one. Rossevelt [sic – Roosevelt, Franklin] got elected, & all the rest democratic except Ervin Boo he got in, so far. Mrs. Fritz won the turkey given away at Schmidts dry goods store. We had lunch, dinner & supper, out at Henry’s, & brought some fresh saussage [sic] along home. Mr. Jac Neff & Ed Neff came there too, he wants to use the team tomorrow haul wood together. Joe Hilpert is working for Fr. Grooten’s again, he came down here awhile this evening. Henry won basket groceries given by Schmidt’s.
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