Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with things eggs 32 [cents]; they left Marita here went home did there work & came back for supper. Bill [Klein] came this eve, played cards. Leo is going to trade his Ford for truck ford V8 from Bill soon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in going to euchre at Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] gave her 25 [cents] to play for her; also one at Broad Hollow Grange.
Monday, Nov. 20, 1939
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Orlets were down butchering again today. 196 @ 590. today top. Marita stayed. Bert [Bertille] took 1 lb. liver over for Mrs. Rennecker @ 15 [cents]. Raining some & cloudy & cooler today; not so nice.
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1939
Raining all morn. Went to Red Bud mass, took chances on turkey from Mauers boy for Cathedral. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille]. Orlets were down this afternoon had supper here.
Thursday, Nov. 16, 1939
Uncle Fred was up this morn. We went to Leos had dinner there; she [Rosalia] went quilting at Karban this afternoon, also Manda. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies this afternoon. It rained a little this morn; this afternoon nice.
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1939
Washed, ironed, cleaned basement, & things from butchering. Pap hauled 2 loads wheat to Waterloo – got top – 84 [cents], good wheat, it was starting to get hot; so he hauled Bill stopped, he was at Frank Birkners was fixing pump. Mrs. Mertz was around enrolling people for Red Cross, gave her a donation of $1.00 for that purpose. Went out to Uncle Freds celebrating his birthday, Orlet family & Bill were all there for chicken supper, played cards had cake & wine; had enjoyable evening.
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1939
Leo & family came went to Belleville, sold out pretty much, 2 bacon & liver sausage was left. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here all day. Merz fixed sprouting at there place over there, had dinner & supper here, also did Leo’s. Bert [Bertille] brought doll along for Marita. Freebug has 3 day pinic [sic], starting today, with barbecue.
Monday, Nov. 13, 1939
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary – Leo & family came butchered 190 lb. hog @ $6.25 was top price, surely going lower. We are going to take it to Belleville tomorrow to sell it. Bert [Bertille] took pc. bacon to Rennekers 20 [cents] lb. Henry brought load corn, boys didn’t go to school today, talking about not going up here anymore. Ben Heyl paid his heifers -3 for $75.00. Beautiful day.
Friday, Nov. 10, 1939
Raining nearly all morn. Leo & family came this afternoon, he went to New Athens to dentist, she stayed here, we made pillows. Seen in Waterloo paper Ed McDermott of Washington have baby boy Charles Luke born Oct. 31 at Washington Providence Hospital. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to see Bill’s mother & Booby. Fr. Joe Orlet & his dad were here this eve. on business.
Thursday, Nov. 9, 1939
Beautiful weather these days; so nice warm. Klein Bros. came yesterday & got 3 pigs $12.00 pc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, they was at a corn field fire, at Veilwelers near Cortner land; Bert [Bertille] made dish towels. Mr & Mrs Ben Heyl stopped in to take look at hog feeder. Vic Papenbergs 1st wedding Ann. today; went over radio. Bert paid coal bill, $19.43 – 14 6 1/2 bus. coal @ 9 [cents]. $13.51 & 4 [cents] hauling $5.86 to Eichenseers. Leo & family came this eve.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1939
Went to Belleville, sold everything. Eggs 30 [cents]. Had piece bacon & sausage left, turnips also. Leo & family had supper here. Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with them. A Bruehl man near Belleville close to Ross Filling station killed his daughter & wife last nite, he is in jail; Another man was robbed & killed near a store; on Ill. Street. Wittenauer shocked load corn, took it home, & brought one here also. Papa & Marita went to election; in Firemens Hall; County Election. Schmidt won against Jost for Judge. Altes Co. Commissioner. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] took Woody Acker to Belleville; also his girlfriend on business.
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