Pretty warm. We butchered 176 lb. hog. Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped. Bill [Klein] stopped in, was down to see Hy. Bruns about tractor. Mr. Hill came to get news from yesterday. Hogs today $6.65.
Sunday, Nov. 5, 1939
Went to mass. Berts [Bertille] 25 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & family were here for dinner; chicken & beef, for supper Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill Josie Keller brother Fred; played cards this afternoon. Herman of Columbia was here, H. Wittenauer, Klein Bros. on business; looked at horses & pigs. Beautiful day.
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1939
Leo & family left Marita here, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling things got 30 [cents] for eggs; brought Mr. Orlet along out with them, had dinner soup here. Favre’s moved yesterday, had farewell party last nite there for them. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up she went to church. had supper here. Halloween tonite, some are going out playing tricks again.
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1939
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling. Marita stayed here; had beef soup dinner. Eggs 28 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. Ted Eichenseer is building double garage, he purchased a 1939 Demonstrator Chev. from Kaiser at New Athens. Hy. Bruns moved his family & household articles last Sun. to Gambach farm, were [sic] he will now start farming, there. Mrs. Fristsche has her house for rent.
Friday, Oct. 20, 1939
Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen. Klein of Edwardsville was here looking for large white oak trees, we haven’t none. H. Wittenauer schocked 2 loads corn, 1 here & took 1 along home. Henry brought load up to. They say Cortners Lawrence they shocked 5 loads, a day 150 bu. to load; corn is very good. John Klein came bought sow & 9 pigs $55.00. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] went to dentist at Athens left Marita here; they were out at Henry’s last nite. He [Henry] took Rob & Floyd out of school, went to Public School again started today, he says going to see Fr. Aydt tonite with his boys.
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1939
Becherer & Horcher were married yesterday morn. at Coloumbia [sic]. Rosalia came we stretched curtains today. Went to New Athens this afternoon to dentist. We had chicken soup dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill [Klein] got Leo [Orlet], all came this eve. we repapered spots in kitchen. Henry brought load corn. They had there baby girl christened Joyce Elizabeth yesterday. Mrs. Adolph Klube sponsor. Mr & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich have baby girl born Sun. also.
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1939
Leo & family came Marita stayed here, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, took potatoes etc in. got 28 [cents] for eggs. had dinner here. Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen cupboards & shelves, bought suitcase for Henry’s baby girl. Marita stayed all nite.
Sunday, Oct. 15, 1939
Went to mass. Henry’s have a baby girl born at 4:30 this morn. Ella Simon is working there. We went out this afternoon, everybody is alright – baby 9 1/2 lbs. black hair. Bill [Klein] came had supper here, we went to Leo’s this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in there to, they were going to Totsch’s to free dance. Sure beautiful day, warm.
Friday, Oct. 13, 1939
Cool. Pap hauled 2 loads wood & for in basement. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall . Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came planted tulips out & Bert [Bertille] helped also scrubbed 2 room floors & cleaned them. Transfer in Waterloo paper of lot of Sophia Kessler to A. Papenberg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn this eve. to Rosary Devotion at church. Leo & family came here this eve. Awful cold tonite going to freeze.
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