Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.
Sunday, March 3, 1935
Went to Red Bud church. Emil spend an hr. with us this morn., wanted some seed oats; Nice warm day. The young people of Red Bud parish, are giving a 3 act play, name is “Everybody’s Crazy;” we all went to see it, & Boy! was it good, crowded hall, some had to leave, it was filled, having it again tomorrow night, because couldn’t all get in, players were, Ed & Leona Vogt, Melba Siebold, Gladys & Al Siefert, Harvey, Bob Cowell, Pearl Roscow, Viola Pertle, Linus Mertz, Tiny AuBuchon, Catherine May, Orvil Schmidt, Jim Tobin, Mrs. Bill Haudrich; tap dancing & singing, musci [sic] by AuBuchon Band & Kettler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the euchre, given at Kammlers by Fire Co. also had nice crowd, dance after, musci [sic] by Birkner Orch.; Adm. 15¢. Jhon [sic] Cody had opening & birthday dance, at his place, Oak Grove. Margaret McDermott is in Red Bud hospital was operated fro tumor last Tues, was getting along nicely, but isn’t very good at present; Raymod [sic] Matzenbacher, was operated for appendix Sat. afternoon also at Red Bud hospital; that is Pete Matzenbacher’s boy.
Thursday, Aug. 16, 1934
It rained nearly all night & this morning. We went to Mrs. Powderely’s sale this afternoon, Roscow & McBride of Red Bud, rode along & helped push, wasn’t a very big sale; but things brought fair price. Mrs. Mehrmann & Clara were over & got 5 doz. eggs 16¢. Mrs. Rennecker was here this morning.
Wednesday, July 25, 1934
Joe Herzog has sale this afternoon, also one in Maeystown. Kouminity [sic] Pinic [sic] in Red Bud, tickets are raffled out. like last year. Henry was here for lunch, he brought the wagon up & we had Armstutz’s, hauled the wheat out. We all went out this afternoon, some were there for lunch & supper, it rained, the machine got there about 4 o’clock, so they threshed, 2 loads wheat & 1 oats. we got 25 bus. from the 2 loads. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary come this evening & we all went to Red Bud pinic [sic], Bertille won 50 lb. flour on little tickets; several others, Mary Braun, Mrs. L. Millman, Percy Starr, Martin Fahey, Wm. Harbaugh got cheese & butter, Percy Roscow won $20 cash; they had a calf & nice prizes. The wrestling match was L. Cowell & boy from Belleville the latter won.
Sunday, May 27, 1934
Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud church, had 8th grade graduation, during Mass. 4 girls, Catherine May, Evelyn Bendict, Rita Roscow, Mary Iva AuBuchon; all dressed in white, carring [sic] flowers, 2 flower girls. 6 boys, Cletus Helfrich, Ratz, Roscow, Hartmann. Thirtheen [sic] made there solmmen [sic] coummioun [sic] in Hecker, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile after church, went home, came back this afternoon, went to Red Bud to band convention, 200 muscians [sic], 10 band. Steve Rennecker came over awhile; we walked up to see Mamie, but she had a date with Clem Parker, se we came home again, the 4 h club girls are giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Holloywood [sic] Orch. Belleville playing Adm. 25¢.
Sunday, April 8, 1934
Aunt Lizzie’s birthday, 59 yrs. she would be. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a while before church. Christ Kerns second daughter was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis to be operated on appendix, but it must have bursted before they could do anything. Miss Ruth Roscow has lost her mind, she stays by Austin McDermott at present, took a walk the other night, all nite, next morning found her by Nic Mueths with McDermott’s dog in the yard; she may be taken to Alton. It rained this morning a good shower. Henry & family, Mrs. Cleveland, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper after the funeral. Papa took care of the kids, the rest of us went. It surely was a large funeral people from all over, nice day, the church was packed, standing in the back & vestibule, largest ever held in Hecker. Fr. Aydt made a nice sermon. Willie he had to go out of church.
Sunday, Dec. 31, 1933
We went to Red Bud, took Mrs. Chas Helfrich & kids along & brought them & Jonny Roscow back. Mrs. Josephine Kelley wife of Wm. Kelley died Thurs. evening & was buried this afternoon at Ruma, we went down to the funeral, Fr. Whitte had charge of it, no sermon, & never opened the coffin, just blessing, & buried in Ruma Cemetery, seen quite a few people that we knew, Meyerscouh’s & Tiptown people. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t get out, the roads are to bad; It sure did turn warm yesterday & today, the snow is all gone. Tonite the New Year shooters will have to be out.
Sunday, Aug. 27, 1933
We went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. Mrs. Authur [sic – Arthur] Roscow came along from church up here, she went to see Mrs. Stauenfbiel; they came here awhile after we got home. Henry came up & got our truck to haul hogs to the market tomorrow. Miss Josie Keller & Miss Kuhn where here this evening for supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to; had watermelon lunch, they left about 9:30, then the alarm ring came of Ald. Rittmeyer’s house was on fire, went over to Wagner’s, papa & George went out; everything was ablase [sic], summer kitchen & house, burned to the ground, & all that was in it, they where up at Belleville, so all they have left is what is on there backs 1 car, Smithon [sic] fire department came but no good, no water no where’s. Mr & Mrs. H. M. Hill observed there golden Wedding Anniversary today, which will be Aug. 30 Wed; all the children, grandchildren where present, lot of musci [sic] furnished.
Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary 35 Wedding Anniversary. We requested “Mountain Musci [sic],” over the radio for them. Monadville [sic- Madonnaville] have church pinic [sic]. Miss Evelyn Roscow is visting [sic] folks & realatives [sic] of hers, around here now, she is going to leave soon for school in New Haven Conn. Papa & Bertille dug potatoes. Levi Gregson stopped to get drink water. Schaws the brewery man was around to see some people about taking up stock for the big building they want to put up at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Red Bud to Waterloo. Bert got a pair shoe $1.95 from Helbers at Red Bud. Henry was at Belleville, stopped in on his way home. George Wagner came over.
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