Went to mass. Uncle Fred stopped in for awhile; pretty nice this morn. sunshining nice. Miss Ida Heyl of Round Prairie is getting buried this afternoon from Qurenheims Funeral Parlor to Round Prairie Church & cemetery, she died suddenly Thurs. nite; found her dead Fri. morn; she stayed with her brother Abner down on the farm. Henry Spalts have baby girl born Dec. 14, have 2 boys & 1 girl. Bill [Klein] came for supper, we all went to midnite mass at Red Bud, 2nd mass followed. came home went to bed Bill [Klein] stayed all nite.
Friday, Dec. 2, 1938
Pap went to get load wood for basement & 1 for butchering. Bert [Bertille] got mail. Louis Geodelle passed away. The 4 mon. old daughter of Robert Bershe, nee Fern Gulley died buried tomorrow at Round Prairie. Awful wind today.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1937
H. Wittenauer was here, going to plow out ground this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Berti [Bertille] went to Mrs. Wm. Gregson’s funeral this afternoon, to Dashner’s Undertaking parlor, was at church & buried at Round Prairie Cemetery; Uncle went to junk pile, & we went by Buehler’s awhile, till he got finished. Schmidt brought sack laying mash. Seen in Waterloo paper that Miss Irma Schafer & Alvin Einwich were secretly married in St. Louis Mon; going to live with groom’s parents, farmers near Columbia.
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1937
Rabbit season opened today, hunters are out, & will be tomorrow holiday Armistice Day. Pap went out on business trip. Stehl was here. Emil came this afternoon finished his visit from last nite. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched, etc. Cloudy this eve. radio says rain tonite. Mrs. Wil Gregson died this morn. 5 o’clock at Red Bud hospital, ailing for quite some time; will be buried at Round Praire [sic] Cemetery nee Frick.
Monday, Oct. 26, 1936
We washed. Pap went out to Henry’s & Uncle Adam’s. We went to Mr. Geo. Hepp funeral this afternoon, in Dec. he would be 103 yrs. old. grandchildren pallbearers, large funeral, the weather was ugly & cold; couldn’t all get in church, that was at the Round Prairie Church & Cemetery. Mr. Nic Cortner Sr. died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, Hecker cemetery. Isadore Cowell of Red Bud was buried last Sat. afternoon there & Mr. Ernst Frick of Belleville died, & will also be buried tomorrow afternoon.
Thursday, June 4, 1936
We clipped old hens wings. Aunt Mary shoes from Chicago Mail Or. & were to small had to send them back today. We had beef soup dinner. We ate 3 springs already, sure good, we got 111 old hens. There is Church pinic [sic] at Dupo today, were we got chances to win a V8 Ford; but I guess we won’t win anyway. Mr. Geo. Homringhausen gets buried this afternoon. Rose & Bert went to the funeral, down to Red Bud only to Dashner’s, he looks natural awful large funeral, Pall Bearers were, 4 fellows of Waterloo, J. Schmidt, L. Zimmer, Metzer, Friederich, Schuette & guy of Red Bud; Rev. Brink had the services at the undertaker parlor, & also at Round Prairie Church & Cemetery; he was 55 yrs. old, had a copper coffin & vault. This evening there was some fellows ran around our hours, one was H. Davis of Belleville, he should of brought a boy along, that he picked up on the road, & kid got away from him, Elmer Kammler came here, he had the kids shoes, what he dropped, in alalfa [sic] field.
Tuesday, June 2, 1936
Cleaned chicken house. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo took wheat in 85¢ we got. Leona isn’t feeling so well, went to E. St. Louis this morn. to Dr. Mr. Weber of Red Bud looked at the horse, & bought it for $25.00, going to get it tomorrow. Mr. Geo. Hominghausen died last nite at the hospital, sick about 1 week, had pneummia [sic]; will be buried from Dashner’s parlor to St. Marcus Church & cemetery at Round Prairie.
Sunday, April 26, 1936
Nice day. Porter Braun Chev. sales agent was here and pap went along to Uncle Freds; Wm. C. Voges was here wanted to buy oats but said 40¢ bu. was to much. Austin McDermott, comitteman [sic] on the A.A.A. project was here yesterday evening; getting the people to sign. Pap & Uncle Fred went to Belleville then to New Athens, Chev. Dealers; & we Aunt Mary went out to Henry’s to see Floyd he is sitting up now; drawing pictures. We went to Oak Grove tonite to J. Cody’s farewell dance, free, big crowd present; he is going to start farming on his place again & Joseph of Bursksville is coming at Oak Grove, going to have opening dance May 10, they say. Chas. Guebert south of Hecker, died this morn; blood poisoining [sic], just since Easter Sun. will be buried Tues. afternoon, Round Prairie Cemetery, he was middle aged.
Friday, April 10, 1936
Went to 8 o’clock service at Red Bud; then again at 12 till 3 o’clock, there are Devotions. Felicia Rascow came along up to Hecker, with us yesterday to got to Mrs. Staufenbiel, & went along back to Red Bud with us this morning. Roth of Brickey was buried at Round Praire [sic] cemetery this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kohler of Waterloo have a baby girl born at St. Marys Hospital.
Monday, Dec. 31, 1934
Baked bread, & pie. Went to Belleville, sold roosters & 13¢ eggs. 30¢. Cloudy again today. We got set dishes 8 piece each, $2.60 set. Mrs. Hy. Henze died last night; will be buried Wed. at Round Prairie cemetery. There is a New Year’s Eve party, at Pautler’s tonite, Musci [sic] by Moonlighters, from 9 till 3 o’clock. There surely was a noise, in town here this eve. at 12 o clock, ringing of bells, shooting etc.
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