Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, pap went along in to Belleville, to attend Mrs. Kate Buehlers funeral from Reumer’s [Funeral Home] to Ruma Church, at 9 o’clock; there were 8 cars from Belleville. Pallbearers from Ruma Congregation, pretty large funeral quite a few people of around here went down to Ruma. She was keeping house for an Ins. [Insurance] Man at Belleville, the children all had to come in there this afternoon & get her clothes & things at that place. Lena Meng came over to see Uncle Fred on business. Pap took the team, went after load of posts. Eppinger was here again but pap didn’t want to sell it today, he has a sore leg, limbs. Mrs. Staufenbiels said today that Alice Brand in California was going to buy land & house on it & more. Miss Stella Roscow is visiting down at California now, at Kern’s, she is going by Alice.
Monday, March 15, 1937
We washed, ironed, to much snow to hang it out side, but beautiful sunshine again, some of the snow will leave. Pap went to Waterloo, Bert visited at Henry’s awhile. Leo & Rose came we went along to Henry’s, celebrated Floyd’s birthday. Mrs. Adam Buehler died, stroke. She will be buried at Ruma cemetery & mass there on Thurs. Christ & Frank’s. Mary & Katie’s mother. She is at Reumer Bergmann Funeral Parlor at Belleville, she died on Ivo’s birthday; she was pretty well aged 68.
Sunday, Feb. 28, 1937
Snowed, icy. We went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she stayed here for dinner, he went to L. Birkners, had supper here; he is still about the same. Vic Eichenseer & fellow from Ruma came, looked at the hourses. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Bernius, came to see Uncle Fred about getting oats. Al. Geodelle stoped [sic] in paid for 33 bus. 25 lbs. oats @ 60¢. Isd. came & we went to Leo & Rose played cards, Alois & Gertie were also there.
Sunday, Nov. 15, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Leo came this afternoon & Florence Myerscough of Ruma stopped in, the rest went to see Uncle Adam. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she went to the meeting at church, all had supper here; we played cards afternoon & nite; Bert had 1500 at 1 time & Aunt Mary had it once too, pap held 800 kings etc. Clifford got 1 doz. eggs for Horses at St. Louis, eggs are scarce.
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1936
It rained a little yesterday eve. We cleaned chicken houses, baked bread etc. Ruma has church pinic [sic] today; not so hot. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here, he helped to put up the stand for pinic [sic] tomorrow. Pap got load corn, fodder at Henry’s. We cleaned radish & lettuce seed. Our white sow died. Berti went to telephone office & called Johnson Bros. at Belleville & they came & got it this afternoon. Sure cloudy & awful warm. Eggs 21¢.
Wednesday, July 1, 1936
Cleaned garden, cooked plum jelley [sic] & canned juice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morn. had chick dinner here. Henry also he came & cut hay. Cooler today, good many cars went to Ruma this morn; the vows of the Most Precious Blood Sister Day. We went to Renneker’s this evening; Klotz’s were there too. Eggs 18¢.
Saturday, Feb. 29, 1936
Leap year. Papa went in the woods all day. Wagners got 1 lb. butter & cheese. Renncker, 1 lb. butter, 1 pt. cheese, Lauts ½ butter, 1 pt. cheese. Henry stopped in he got crushing done. Eggs dropped again 21¾¢ on radio. Beautiful day. There was a sale at Ruma, painted dishes, lot of furniture & license. Good radio nite.
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1936
Berti ironed, patched. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, did the washing, & brought it along home, hung it in the basement, 5 degrees above zero, but getting colder rapidly, some places 46 below, Dakota 22 below; sure cold weather, first since 1918 around here, they claim. Burdgorf got our heifers, 3 of them yesterday. Rang over the lines for Mr. Richard Myerscough’s funeral tomorrow at 9 o clock at Ruma, he was pretty old already.
Friday, Dec. 6, 1935
Papa went to see John Myerscough at Ruma; he made a trade with him, got 2 cows & calf, on our mare & $10.00; delivered this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Berti went to Belleville this morning. Raining all day. Welli Doyle was here looked at the harrow that pap has for sale; also looked at the heifers & horses. Henry killed a beef today, sell it tomorrow at Waterloo.
Friday, Nov. 29, 1935
Cleaned hen house. Rose got the papers, ordered the license $18.78 this year. Whip was the same price $12.00 but chev. is only $6.50. We went to Ruma to Myerscoughs & Tiptown to Colemans, & Dugan’s to see about pigs. Mr. Mehrman got the eggs 31¢. Miss Lena Geodelle of Waterloo, Henry Geodelle’s daughter is at St. Marys Hospital for treatments. Dorthy Myerscough is attending Normal College; at Normal, Ill; is home for holidays. Florence goes to High School at Red Bud; Margret is still at the convent, & can’t come home for 2 years.
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