Pap got crushing done. He went to Grosomann’s sale by Smithton & Bert [Bertille] went along with Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary to a sale at Belleville, mostly old & antique things; bought some fresh liver saussage [sic] from Schwaegels; sure is good 23¢ lb. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down, played, 2 games pinochle; popcorn etc.
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1937
Washed, ironed, scrubbed basement. Pap went out all day on business trip. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he went to Public School had auction sale – toilets etc.; he bought the 2 for $3.55 cheap. they have new ones in down there now; sold the old one; 8 oclock sale. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came was going to go to A. [Aunt] Mary’s, but they were here, so we played 5 hand pinochle. Kettler won county commissioner. Weigand went down salt lake, he won in the precincts around here, but no where else. Olive Laut came, got ½ bu. turnips.
Saturday, Oct. 30, 1937
Beautiful day. Indian Summer they call it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us this afternoon to Bozzay’s sale, they are going to St. Louis; start rooming house & her daughter Elvira Hoffmanns are going to move there Crooks farm. Went to Waterloo to church, & back home; stopped at Henry’s beef is all sold. Bert [Bertille] went along with A. [Aunt] Mary to rosary devotion tonite.
Saturday, Oct. 9, 1937
Henry was here, got crushing done. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to Muskoph sale by Floraville & Milsdaldt [sic]. Rained a little last nite. Most people starting sew wheat today. Uncle Fred & A. Mary had supper here, went along with us to Pautler’s tonite, Standard Oil Co. is giving a free show “Stan” & free dance upstairs, musci [sic] by Radan Och. sure crowd the show was in the pavilion. Wienhoff & Schmidt have built a new garage & opened today, if you buy 5 gals. gas, get qt. oil free, today only.
Saturday, Oct. 2, 1937
Rained this eve; in morn. We went to Oswald Neff’s sale this afternoon, lot of things for sale. we didn’t buy anything. Henry brought 2 sacks potatoes. Feherez looked at the barrow. Pap burned potatoe [sic] straw this morn. Went out to Uncle Freds, then they & we went to see Emil awhile. Cooler this eve. again.
Thursday, Sept. 2, 1937
Nice cool, trimed [sic] lawn, canned 3 qts peaches, tomatoes. Went to Belleville dentist this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] got new shoes. Washed car this eve. Coumnity [sic – Community] Sale at Maeystown this afternoon.
Thursday, Aug. 19, 1937
Washed, ironed, cooked catsup. Leo & Rose came we went along to Emil sale, pap got harness etc. everything went pretty good had large crowd; fruit jars 70¢ doz. can buy new ones for 69¢ & 75¢, antique bed $8. Mrs. Krack got it; Mrs. Troppe got some old things to. We went to Orlets for supper. Leo & pap went to Guernsheimer’s looked at pigs, bought 5 – $13. nice ones.
Saturday, Aug. 7, 1937
Pap went to barber shop. Stoeckel painter is out all day. Pap went to Burksville sale; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Fr. Feldmann & brothers sale at Red Bud. bought box jars etc. for Rose [Rosalia] for 20¢; wasn’t much of a sale. Nic Frisch has sale to, that is over near New Athens. R. Besher & Fern Gully; family are moving on that place. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert wasn’t along to Log cabin, supposed to be a wedding dance, couple from E. St. Louis, but they never came at all, Webers Bro. playing & no crowd, we came home ten o’clock.
Thursday, Aug. 5, 1937
Rained this morn; stops threshing, for those that ain’t finished yet; still quite a few machines that ain’t done yet. Chris Buehler has sale this afternoon, Starr Auction, just called over lines, all around, had no poster printed, don’t come as high, just to call on lines, Red Bud, Waterlo & all over. Evansville has Catholic Church pinic [sic] today. We went to Buehlers sale, this afternoon pretty nice crowd. Leo & Rose came eve.
Monday, May 10, 1937
Cleaned chicken house & barn, worked in garden. Pap went on business trip & also to Waterloo to a big sale on Pautler’s farm west of town; people from Marrissa [sic] have a sale, on stock & tractors etc. Cool this morn. A fellow here selling household articles; bought fly swatter. The fire engine whistle was sounded this morn; called to the home of Andrew Mueth in Paderborn, were there house was on fire; but it was put out, before they got there. Rose came this afternoon, helped plant out flowers; took some along home, we planted all the house flowers out. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. Jake Neff was here on business this evening. Cool again tonite.
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