Marita stayed all nite & day. A man here selling coffee percolators. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, made chicken pie for dinner. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down this eve got Marita.
Monday, June 5, 1939
Went to Red Bud funeral low mass at 10 ‘oclock for Mrs. Emil Schilling from St. Louis & buried at Red Bud cemetery; she died Sat. at Missouri Baptist Hospital over 3 weeks illness of pneunomia [sic], looked beautiful, dressed in pink. Her sisters helped carry, also were all lady pallbearers. She became Catholic when they were married; nee Mabel Hancock. quite a few attended the funeral, relatives & friends from here. Today is election, voting for judges. Pap voted. We went to Leo’s got hog. Lumber man here wanted timber, also a deaf & mute man here selling shoe laces. We took pr 5 [cents]. Henry Kettlers sister at Belleville Mrs. Berthold got buried this morn. also. Eggs still 12 [cents] yet; both stores.
Thursday, March 3, 1938
Pap went up in woods this afternoon, brought load wood along home. Mehrmann got 8 doz. eggs. 14 [cents]. H. Birkner was here selling seeds. Bert [Bertille] bought cabbage. Jenning of Milsdadt [sic] road was here looking at horses; There sure has been an awful rain & floods at Los Angeles Cali. for last 4 das. raining heavy, terrible storms, so many killed & missing.
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1937
Beautiful day, washed ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came had dinner here, he & Bert [Bertille] went to Waterloo on business. Emil came, he put in his lineleoum [sic – linoleum] at his place, in kitchen, all around. real pretty. Eichenseer put it in. Henry stopped in got crushing done. Lena Meng was here, see what pap tought [sic – thought] about oil leasing. A fellow here selling weather stripping for house, from St. Louis agent.
Friday, Oct. 15, 1937
Pulled turnips, several bus. – 3 for sale. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud. A fellow here yesterday selling magazines, was playing football & got concussion of brain, & was speechless, but could hear. Robinson was his name, wants to get enough money to have brain operation. Al. Mueller of Waterloo have baby boy.
Monday, Oct. 11, 1937
Washed, ironed, canned pears. Pap plowed orchard. Planted rose bushes, bridal wreath. A fellow here selling the Extension Magazine with extra premiums. Ours ain’t run out yet.
Thursday, July 29, 1937
Bert [Bertille] baked cake, cooked catsup. Pap went to woods to look for sand. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert went along to Chester to the wake of Mrs. John McDermott, who passed away yesterday afternoon at 2 ‘ o clock, at Jacksonville Ill, she had been there for 2 weeks, with a nervous break down, in a private place & nurse, while the nurse was just out, she hung herself with a strap; & died; 29 yrs old; they were married will be 2 mons. on 10 of next mo; tomorrow will be taken to her home at Raddle Ill, about 12 miles from Chester, & will be buried there Sat. morn; we met her 2 sisters & brother, being there at the funeral parlor, 2 girls were all school teachers. We were there from 3 to 5:30, people came in & out; John & Ed were there. Leo & Rose came this eve. & we ate watermelons, that A. [Aunt] Mary brought from Sparta, boy what a good melon, we ate it all 22 lb. Mrs. Mehrmann got the eggs. 10 doz. @ 17¢. A fellow here wanted to sell paint. We got 19¢ for our chicks, 77 lbs. – 3 doz. shipping charges 75¢ on coop. We got a new Chicago Mail Order catalog.
Wednesday, July 14, 1937
Rose [Rosalia] came down had dinner, chicken, we cut & sewed Bert’s [Bertille] dress. A man here agent for weather stripping house. Made some plum wine, Rose brought bucket full plums & apples down.
Saturday, July 10, 1937
Cloudy, looks like rain. Bert [Bertille] made chicken dinner, baked apple pie. A fellow here wanted to sell apples. Leo & Rose came this eve. awhile; brought some apples & pickles.
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